Dark skin, xx chromosome arrangement, content of character? Whatever her beloved Party decrees.
Beige skin, xx chromosome arrangement. Go right to the front of the line.

One with a worthy woman “of color” for Heels Up’s permanent CV complementing the graphic just above that should have ended this farcical irritant long before her DEI stroke of good luck in 2020. 

The Doctor pranks The Kackler. 

Happy Thanksgiving reminder of what we’re not going to miss. 

May we pour you one more for the road?

UPDATE 11/26/24: Oh, right. That’s it! If only the MSM hadn’t asked her dumb questions like the ones the better ones DID ask: like about the economy, jobs, gas/grocery prices, the border, Israel/Hamas. It’s so glaringly obvious the answers she did offer up were totally illuminating and substantive like “…love the American people, their ambitions, their aspirations, the dreams unburdened by what has been, haven’t been to Europe….and all  in a veritable rainbow of regional/ethnic accents! And then that goofy “power” video for her supporters…

No question: the Dems MUST run her again as their candidate. Kamala, 2028!!!!

And to think I always thought these DC/Hollywood people all really, really loved one another.


UPDATE 11/15/24: She was/is/always will be an air bag without the bag, her political epitaph fittingly drawn from one of this human void’s many senseless (but wholly revealing) utterances: “Nothing comes to mind.”

Surely those panicky Leftists hoping to get Sotomayor out and one of their own onto the Supreme Court before BrandonWorld expires were making a bad joke suggesting Kamala should be that replacement. 

The penetrating intellect and cacophonous cackle, soon to be forever Gone With The Wind.

UPDATE 11/6/24: One last look at the most ridiculous Presidential candidate…ever. It turns out, to the surprise of no rational adult, that this woman has never entertained or uttered a single meaningful word or thought in her life. Thankfully, the gaslighting is over, the lame comedy routine has bombed, but the egg remains squarely on the face of the Big Lie Party that pretended this “joyful” Empress and her supportive courtiers ever had any clothes.


UPDATE 10/26/24: Imagine four years (or four minutes) of THIS. 

UPDATE 11/3/24: The selling of the Democrat Party agenda, 2024: a candidate barely visible against a dirty baby diaper background, nothing coming out.  

UPDATE 11/1/24: Dems have proudly given us an intergalactic rainbow of useless choices, all wrapped up in one remarkable Golden State hustler gone national.

UPDATE 10/31/24: In a final great burst of desperate projection, a new transparently wicked Kamaleon [with nasty Slo-Joe’s able assistance] is finishing her campaign smearing Trump and his supporters with the darkest lies imaginable, hoping against hope her (and her Party’s) contempt for the average American’s intelligence will win her the Big Prize. She has every reason to believe this will come to pass, judging by the successful Big Steal of 2020 and the continued, unwavering support provided by the MSM apparatchiks. However, here on the real Planet Earth, chances appear good this will not come to pass.

UPDATE 10/28/24: With just a swipe of my pen…” And this is the woman to whom half of the country wishes to gift the most powerful position on earth? See “context” below video.

“Fact checkers” advise us that this brazen “swipe of the pen” boast is out of context, that she was actually warning about the dangers of her political enemies wielding power without “mindfulness.” The rub is that this is yet another projection of her own actual use of power as CA AG to ruin lives as attested to in the video above. Ask the parents and children directly involved. Note the ever-present cackle accompanying such admirable “mindfulness.” When Kamalites are casting aspersions and making outrageous accusations about their opponents, one can reliably interpret these outbursts as unintended confessions of their own guilt.

UPDATE 10/27/24: Those trying to explain this reputed Wonder Woman and what appears to be a failing campaign have her pegged: she is not only DEI; she is DLI-dumb, lazy, incompetent.

UPDATE 10/25/24: Kamala and her hypnotized followers rightly fear revenge & retribution from Trump after spending the last 8+ years going to all lengths to destroy him-politically, legally, personally, financially, literally. They SHOULD fear consequences with real legal teeth for most of what BrandonWorld has inflicted upon him and us. But, mercifully for them, the rational way of life and government he offers, unlike them, is self-contained by moral (and legal) restraint. The murderous hatred they project upon and attribute incessantly to their opponents is their own inner darkness.

UPDATE 10/22/24: At a so-called “town hall” pretending to “meet the people,” Kamala’s Kennedy Klan fangirl/hostess Maria Shriver spilled the beans by carelessly informing an unvetted questioner in the audience that nothing but “pre-determined questions” would be taken. And what a surprise that this content-free intellect will NOT be doing Joe Rogan as was hinted at a few days back (followed by a knowing mass response of upward rolling eyes). Gotta look out for your candidate when she’s a DEI dunderhead incapable of saying or doing anything without a team of standby flunkies. And even then it all comes out as meaningless fluff.

UPDATE 10/21/24: It’s a hopeful sign when the consistently Left-leaning LA Times has abstained from endorsing the Kackler. Perhaps they rightly sense this Empress has no clothes and don’t care to be caught on record pretending she does.


UPDATE 10/19/24: God willing, the Peter Principle has finally kicked in for the ridiculous Kamala saga, rising, rising, rising, rising yet again and, finally, rising to her level of incompetence and much-deserved obsolescence. By all rational, objective standards, she should have been relegated to history’s dustbin long ago back in CA, let alone now at the cusp of absolute global power. For the sake of what remains of rational humanity, may this be IT.

Nightmare LSD trip: Kackler-In-Chief.

Too busy to show up but not too busy to create this painfully unfunny phone-in.

UPDATE 10/14/24: Appropriate and encouraging to hear and see a thinking Black man unbought and immune to poisonous ID Politics Marxism peddled to him by DEI hires Barack, Kommula and their White Leftist Dem stooges like Hillary, Joe and Nancy.

FORWARD TOGETHER!!…over the cliff into a Dark Age chasm of no return.

UPDATE 10/13/24: The air sandwich running for POTUS was tapped to be Border Czar. How many millions of illegals have slipped in unhindered on her “watch?” Likewise, this paragon of competence was put in charge of a project nobly entitled Internet For All with a modest budget of $42.5 billion. How many have benefitted from this particular boondoggle (answer: zero); and, by the way, where is that money?


UPDATE 10/10/24: Why, in this so-called post-racial society, is race now front-and-center? Why is the “single drop of blood” curse of yore now a path to special entitlement? In Kamala’s case, it may very well pan out that that drop of blood may be quite literally no more than “a drop,” if even that much. Consider the open-ended examination of her Jamaican father’s authentic genealogy. We do know there’s a direct blood line back to one very brutal, Irish (White) great-great+ grandpa slave master named Hamilton Brown. Where and who are the purported Black slaves in that family tree? Is there really any Black blood there? If so, how much and who’s paying whom the reparations in this clan? And (to the main point), why does content of character not completely cancel out any importance race or genetics has been granted?

UPDATE 10/9/24: When asked how she differs from Biden, she answers “…not a thing…comes to mind.” Really?

Is she really too dumb to prepare a decent answer to the softest of softballs intentionally tossed at her by the Dems’ MSM apparatchiks to separate her from her pitiful boss? Alas, the Dems are once again running a symbolic place holder, a vaporous hologram even less substantial than Hunter’s Dad. But, most importantly, who make up the massive bloc of Americans so equally hollow not to perceive that? Are they content to consume more of this tasteless (and toxic) gruel? Can she speak intelligently and to the point about anything? This viral moment of her reading off a teleprompter to a Potemkin Village “town hall” of what appear to be a few dozen specially recruited people is almost sad. There is visibly no there there..

UPDATE 10/6/24: Yes, she really is that stupid…and, reflecting the deep Marxist cast of her Party, really that detached, heartless and above-it-all. She and this regime have no intention of helping American citizens, especially not those who vote red.

James Woods@RealJamesWoods at X:

“This has to be fake. Even Kamala Harris, the gold standard of stupid, isn’t stupid enough to post this. Certainly not while North Carolinians are pulling the bodies of their neighbors from the wreckage. It’s simply inconceivable.”
“The people of Lebanon are facing an increasingly dire humanitarian situation. I am concerned about the security and well-being of civilians suffering in Lebanon and will continue working to help meet the needs of all civilians there.”

UPDATE 10/3/24: Despite fake appearances of “moderation,” both The Kackler & The Klown could be considered Manchurian candidates, deep Red on the inside judging by their well-documented public statements and lifelong attachment to Marxist doctrine.

We get it, Adolf. 

What has beneficially been, fatally burdened by what she promises to be. 


UPDATE 9/27/24: After her latest vacuum-within-a-void-within-a-black hole-in-space interview, even the MSNBC moderator asking a few reasonable questions knows what a very bad joke this candidacy is. YET, half the American electorate will vote for Willie Brown’s saucy tart (with her ambitions, dreams and aspirations) and confirm for posterity that roughly 50% of 21st century America’s freest, most prosperous, best educated citizens were one jelly-brained lump of lifeless cells.

UPDATE 9/21/24: The authentic, real, sincere, believable, totally GREAT and, most of all, PRESIDENTIAL Kamala tells us all about those years and years and years way back when in early childhood of her Indian/Jamaican family JOYFULLY celebrating Kwanzaa with much ado, in particular KUJICHAGULIA, everyone’s favorite of the “7 principles” of this totally fake “holiday celebration” invented out of whole cloth by a CA Leftist political conman/serial criminal/psychopath named Ron Karenga in 1966 when she was 2.

This heartwarming embrace of Kwanzaa is a natural for this all-American girl on record snarling at anyone daring to utter “Merry Christmas!”  The real, relatable Kamala:

When even the LA Times questions her authenticity, something is awry with this screwy Dem version of the Second Coming. Has there ever been a more implausible candidate for high American office than this hollowed-out Karen-on-the-make?

UPDATE 9/21/24: Perhaps the biggest lie is her claim that she has ANY core principles or human empathy informing any gesture, any plan, any political philosophy that might provide the most minimal benefit to another human being. HeelsUp’s history is entirely about the acquisition of Power, movin’ on up, whatever it takes. 

UPDATE 9/21/24: Those all carried away by the promised, impending “joys” of a Kamala Presidency inform us that Trump’s re-election would be an “existential crisis,” an American reincarnation of Hitler and Nazism. As always from the Orwellian Left, quite the opposite is true as it is “Kamalism” that promises a stepped-up continuation of the Obama/Biden/Harris assault on fundamental American rights.  Tiananmen Tim is absolutely, unintentionally correct warning, “we can’t afford four more years of this!!”  


UPDATE 9/11/24: Sadly, half the American electorate don’t realize their support for this empty vessel is a very bad joke on all of us, including them.

UPDATE 9/14/24: Lucky us! Four phenomenal years of everything destructive with a promise of four (maybe eight!) years more! And the tally listed below doesn’t include a wide open border for more naturalized, voting illegals, stepped-up censorship of “disinformation” which she finds disagreeable, Green New Deals…and more! Who’s to argue with that agenda?

UPDATE 9/12/24: Kamala’s positions don’t matter to defunct journalism; her niceness is all that matters to her MSM allies.  And all those Fact Checks for The Donald and none for Kams! No obvious collusion there! 

Special words to remember from our very own Joan of Arc’s historic DNC address: unlike Trump, she solemnly promises, I will not cozy up to tyrants.” But of course she will because they are already cozying up to her. And why not? What sworn enemy of America would not prefer dealing with a charming chortler with tyrannical tendencies herself rather than a dour, uncooperative Donald.

Ask Vladimir! It’s that “infectious laugh” that’s got him sold, “infectious” being the operative word here. 

Kamala and Kommunism: positively copacetic, the perfect figure to usher in a Soviet America.


UPDATE 9/11/24; Not surprisingly, she is not the electoral choice of those families suffering directly from the shameful abandonment of Afghanistan. The bored, reflexive indifference of the fake POTUS checking his watch as dead Afghan vets arrived back home is shared equally by his DEI hire Veep with her blatant snub of those same families later at Arlington. Odd how those families find Trump’s presence a comfort, and her (and his) absence a boot in the face.


UPDATE 9/1/24: With all respect due (zero) a serial liar and empty fraud , the Kackler is the worst possible person for the job. Come November, let’s play her back that inspirational speech she gave a high school football team about the virtues of losing and sweeten the deal with a participation trophy.

UPDATE 8/15/24: Kameleon, not the first authentic depiction/description of this bigtime fraud, the most dislikeable politician (and employer-from-hell) of recent times (and that is saying something!) Are the American people really willing to become Kamala’s Kids? 



UPDATE 8/14/24: About that Jamaican (rather beige) blood from waaaaaaay back making this cackling fool America’s most prominent diversity hire: that Caribbean forbear was an Irish plantation & slave owner and reportedly “not a nice fellow.” 

So who pays and who gets the Harris family reparations? 

Striking an oddly similar stance to her Irish great-great-great grandpa. You don’t want to work with or under this woman.


UPDATE 8/7/24: Hard Leftists are either in full control of the Party, or Obama is planning some surprise and major switch at the convention. Or, perhaps everything is working out according to plan for the Dems, and things are really that bad for the rest of us.

How’s that again? Who’s weird?

UPDATE 8/6/24: A little flashback to Minneapolis, 2020, well-chronicled in the film THE FALL OF MINNEAPOLIS. Among the chief villains in the drama surrounding the death of George Floyd and its aftermath is Governor Tim Walz who carefully took his time NOT calling out the National Guard. What was the rush? According to his wife, a major American city on fire was a “touchstone moment,” presumably a very good, noble thing to be savored, like the smell of burning tires and lives lost and people’s businesses destroyed. And all over a serial criminal’s drug overdose death falsely blamed on a patsy cop.

The George Floyd alleged murder-by-police is one more lie so big and prevalent, it goes unchallenged and will probably continue on as a given reality until years from now, assuming Americans and the rest of the world do a 180 from the suicidal path they’ve prescribed for themselves at the voting booth. Is the usual clueless crowd planning to dig our world’s collective grave a bit deeper come November?

Another question: is the choice of Walz a sort of warning to America about the return of the Dem Brownshirts AntiFa and Minneapolis-like riots if, by some good fortune of a fair election, Trump wins?


Lovely family. “Here is a bizarre clip from an interview with Gwen Walz stating that she left her windows open during the Minneapolis Riots so she could smell the burning tires. Her daughter also coordinated with rioters to let them know that the National Guard would not be activated one night.”

Good ol’ Tim promises to MAMA (Make America Minneapolis Again)!!

UPDATE 8/5/24: What’s not to love about Tim Walz? Well, there’s that inner tyrant released by the Covid Kibosh, complete with Stalinist encouragement of snitching on those neighbors disregarding El Jefe’s directives. 

What’s not to love about the two of them?

UPDATE 8/4/24: Less is more, the strategy being a replay of Biden-in-the-Basement. In the vacuum created by her deliberate absence, a totally fake narrative can be crafted.  Knowing her as any half-way alert American has come to know her, it’s a wise approach. The less this empty pantsuit diversity hire is seen and heard, the more likely a dumbed-down, TDS-infected electorate is to vote for her. 


UPDATE 8/1/24: As the well-documented Kamala Saga should prove, there is nothing to commend about this Woke Prog Marxist Cackle Package. Ask those who’ve had to work with her.

UPDATE 7/29/24: No doubt Elon’s perfectly wrought video (below) will be declared invalid “misinformation” by any of her newly recruited moron stooges in the MSM because…um…well…it’s an obvious AI parody that says precisely what Kamala would say and how she would say it IF she were capable of telling the plain truth about ANYTHING. You’d have to make it up…that is, any REAL instance of her EVER telling the truth which makes this parody a necessity…and one as true from start to finish as she is a complete, total, unadulterated, diversity hire fraud.

The real problem with Kamala is that there’s nothing real about her, just a born hustler with the right chromosomal and race mix on the make bigtime at precisely the right moment in the history of Woke.

Heels up Harris depicted in the video graphic right where it all began: cacklin’ & courtin’ & & cuddlin’ & cohabitatin’ with Willie Brown. 


UPDATE 7/23/24: Booting Biden and Koronating Kamala with wet manure mountains of phony hoopla is certainly not based on her electability. Her well-documented stances are to the Left of Bernie. It’s also impossible to hide this is a clownish clod, widely loathed (particularly by former employees) and deservedly an object of jeering contempt even for members of her own Party. The Dems are not about to chance a certain landslide for Trump,  making this virtually effected Kamala Kanonization an act of political suicide. Or is it?  Jaded souls smell a big, fat, dead rat, and we should be on high alert for something sinister secretly brewing in the works.

UPDATE 7/11/24: Kamala’s predictable celebration of the anti-Israel cabal is proving to be just one more reason why getting rid of Joe Biden, otherwise a no-brainer, is a VERY sticky dilemma for the Dems. President Kamala? Oh, please save us!!!…and that’s the Dem meme!


UPDATE 7/4/24: The unbelievable, the astonishing, the unthinkable have become norms to deal with since guilt-ridden America’s decision to welcome Trojan Horse Barack into fortress America. Equally jaw-dropping, there is talk of Kacklin’ Kamala not only serving out Joe’s term as VP but actually emerging as a favorite to replace him in the top job. 

Naw, Americans aren’t THAT zoned-out, are they? ARE THEY?! 

UPDATE 12/5/23: The second most powerful person in the American political hierarchy, obviously speaking for the numbed-brain Numero Uno, the UN and all their shared puppeteers, demands the Palestinian mafia be fully revitalized and better equipped to annihilate Israel. Looking at her makes us forget the affectionate PIAPS (Pig In A Pants Suit) moniker that fit Has-Been Hillary so becomingly. Naturally this PIAPS remains an object of great admiration to those American Lefties, Jews and otherwise, who persist in carrying out their own Jonestown Kool-Aid picnic.


UPDATE 8/26/23:

UPDATE 8/13/23: Credible reports of “nice guy” Joe’s creepy behavior with women mount up right alongside increasingly undeniable revelations of foreign briberies. The bad news is that this is intentional on the part of his own camp, more than happy to get rid of him and, worse news yet, that Kamala will be President at least until January, 2025.

As bad as things are, they can always get worse.

UPDATE 8/4/23: Kamala is the hands-down/heels-up winner of worst, most embarrassing, least admirable, infinitely empty Veep in American history. To our great misfortune, she may very well soon be the worst, most embarrassing, least admirable, infinitely empty POTUS of all times thanks to the concerted intention of her own Party to get rid of now-useless Ol’ Joe.

UPDATE 7/16/23: The cardboard cut-out posing as Vice President of the United States just said we need to stop having kids to allow those kids already born and taking up space to breathe better. Another one of those “nice” people of a certain political outlook who rhapsodize over “The Children” while holding abortion as a holy sacrament. What to make of this sinister hologram that cackles senselessly? This is a disturbing presence, something barely human which (sic) continues to blur the line between sheer stupidity and soulless vacuity without a moral compass. Which is she? Let’s give her the benefit of the doubt and say 51% of each.

UPDATE 7/8/23: Senator John Kennedy sizes up Kamala and her giggly gibberish well by saying she has no core personality or viewpoint from which she can speak with clarity and confidence. Ergo, the meaningless word salads desperately covering a hollow shell. A perfect, empty vessel Veep for an illegitimate, rudderless administration.

UPDATE 5/2/23: We’re all in awe of Kamala’s intellectual depth and the oratorical skill with which she communicates it:

Hey, don’t leave yet!  She’s just getting started!

And to think: a vessel of such unsurpassed emptiness is just one right hand wave away and an over-rehearsed, over-the-shoulder look back left from the Presidency.

No there there. 

UPDATE 9/15/22: Read Daniel Greenfield’s wicked take on the pair of fraudulent dunces currently holding positions #1 & 2 in our federal Executive branch, then scroll down Kamala’s post and gaze in wonderment at this human echo chamber just a heartbeat from the Presidency.


UPDATE 9/2/22: The Giggling Gorgon is at a loss for words if not chortles when confronted with the question, “Who’s paying?” 

UPDATE 8/27/22: Even before the student loan fiasco has become an official fiasco, the pointed fingers (and long knives) are already frantically out. No, it’s not Jill. Not Janet. It’s…ta-da!…Laughing Girl!!

UPDATE 8/2/22: Never has a character so small in moral stature and talent come this close to absolute power in American politics. The combo of a vacuous, demented Biden and an equally vacuous, giggly Harris is a sad reflection of our times…and of those American people who put them where they are.

UPDATE 7/23/22: Peaceful transfer of power. 

UPDATE 7/7/22: Kamala’s uniquely retarded oratorical style is silly enough, but how silly are those who insist she’s got anything worthwhile to say? This political gold digger is a rotten fistful of dead & dying Delaware brain cells away from the most powerful position on the planet. I mean, SERIOUSLY, guys. 

Recorded for posterity, America at its nadir.

UPDATE 6/17/22: Good news. The Singing Big Sister of the briefly “paused” Disinformation Board has been replaced by…ta-da!…the Giggly One! Kamala Walla Bing Bang’s perfect record of being “honestly useless” in  everything she does should make the whole Orwellian endeavor…well…a laughing stock.

UPDATE 4/29/22: The scenario is starting to seem less & less outlandish: getting rid of Kamala, replacing her with Hillary (or someone equally vile), invoking Amendment 25 and junking Joe for all the dirt they’ve intentionally allowed to go public. Voila! President Hillary! God help us.

UPDATE 3/17/22: When does the infinite emptiness of this female Obama clone finally become obvious to even the most rabid of Trump haters?



Admiring Kamala. Wow. I mean….wow.


UPDATE 3/12/22: The Joker has been dispatched to Europe to save the world. She is proving to be our secret WMD.

UPDATE 3/4/22: The good people of the Ukraine are heartened mightily at tidings of “Biden’s Secret Weapon” being on the way. Perhaps as part of her rescue mission she’ll encore the now-memorable lesson in geopolitics she gifted us with last week.

“So, Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So basically, that’s wrong.”

UPDATE 2/18/22: The Kalamity is as cluelessly inert and, well, wicked as we thought. Her American-hating tweet released in Iran in their Farsi tongue is meant for a country that throws gays off buildings, shrouds women head to foot in black like packaged slaves, plans to wipe Israel off the map once they get enough cash and uranium from us to do it thoroughly. And we’re the rotten ones?

Translation: “The truth is: There is segregation in America. Xenophobia exists in America. Antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, all exist. Wherever injustice is dealt with, there is activity ahead.” Some wags have speculated this was written against her will by her captors, but more likely, by HeelsUp herself hoping to catch the eye of some Mullah looking for another moll for his harem. 

UPDATE 11/13/21: Kamala and Brandon make one long for the halcyon days of Jimmy Carter. Yes, it’s that bad. Looking on as bright a side as one can summon, it will be satisfying to watch this pair of plastic dolls inevitably disintegrate and disappear from public life. The down side of this bright side is what happens to America, Americans and the world relying on us in the interim.

Leadership courtesy of Mattel.

UPDATE 10/17/21: Kamala’s content meter, already at zero, has managed to descend to uncharted depths of vacuity with her laughable confab with “kids,” actually child actors paid to look almost awake and interested in her breathless gasps about exploring outer space. What better topic for this empty, weightless creature of vast inconsequence?

UPDATE 8/30/21: Is it the Pretend Administration’s clueless insensitivity or just blatant contempt for Vietnam Vets to have Ms. Intersectionality (Brown skin, check! Female, check! Far Leftist, check!) pose in front of a bust of Ho Chi Minh in Hanoi? Wisely her handlers nixed press access to her Pearl Harbor appearance on the day of the Kabul massacre. Perhaps a cheesecake shot atop a (America surplus) Taliban tank on the upcoming 9/11 anniversary is next.

UPDATE 8/25/21: Even Joe can’t explain why he picked a giggly, self-absorbed, inauthentic, incompetent political gold digger for his Veep. We fully sympathize since he couldn’t provide one good reason he’s President. Oh well, just make it up as you go along. 

Dream team sleepwalking through the Twilight Zone. 

UPDATE 7/28/21: Illegitimate national officeholder Heels-Up Harris campaigning for fellow captain of catastrophe Gavin Newsom facing recall should be a barrel of laughs, a cosmic carton of Kamala cackles!!

UPDATE 7/17/21: Kamala endears herself to the Little People of the American Outback by expressing her concern for the absence of electricity, indoor plumbing, Dunkin’ Donuts and Kinko’s in their primitive settlements. As Newt politely inquires for us, “When was the last time [this clueless, out-of-touch Elitist fool] xeroxed anything herself?

Kamala Kinko Cackle

UPDATE 7/2/21: Kamala is finding herself being found out as the mediocrity she is, a phony, cheap small timer suddenly asked to perform tasks far, far, far beyond her capabilities or even desires. Why doesn’t anyone feel sorry for her?

UPDATE 6/14/21: No mystery why this incompetent empty vessel has mercifully disappeared from the headlines. Her handlers and anyone associated with the Democratic Party is relieved and counting on the public’s short memory before trotting her out again to utter absolute blather, heavily punctuated by trademark KamalaKackle.

A precariously Free World, currently held hostage by these two hollow gourds.

From one of the most slavishly progressive media hacks to Kamala: “You haven’t been to the border.” Kamala cackles. “I haven’t been to Europe…what’s your point?” More Kamala cackles. Does this actually sell anywhere but in the rarified penthouses of Joe Biden’s keepers? Apparently it didn’t sell in Guatemala where this cackling disaster-in-a-pants-suit was greeted with these these warm, welcoming sentiments:

After that NBC interview, one can only pray Biden lasts. Meanwhile, we can breathe easy that a cardboard facsimile of our illegitimate Vice President has made ITS way to the border, courtesy of Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colorado).   Would Kamala lie? OF COURSE she’s been to the border! But just in two dimensions.

UPDATE 6/4/21: Ella Emhoff, Kamala’s stepdaughter has become, entirely on her own considerable absence of aesthetic merit,  a hot commodity in the fashion world as the new face of Ugly Chic! Since beauty is only skin deep, it’s exciting to think that some Anna Wintour type is going to have the bright idea of skinning Kamala and make these two a matching pair of runway stars.

Not that Kamala doesn’t have plenty of time to dabble in High Fashion as she’s not really that good  at anything  or into handling little jobs  thrown her way like 1)managing open borders (nothing to see here: keep ’em open, keep ’em coming!)  and 2)something about voting rights reform, you know, like fixing elections and stuff like that. Anyhow, a girl can’t cut a break waiting around forever  for the Big Job! When IS Joe  finally off to the glue factory? [Cue shrieking peals of Kamala Cackles.]

UPDATE 4/11/21: We have to spend the next however-many years discovering firsthand the deadly combination of incompetence and ruthless ambition that lurks just behind that ugly voice and cackle.


UPDATE 3/28/21: Quick-study Kacklin’ Kamala is disporting herself fulltime as an Obama clone & stand-in, injecting race or anything politically exploitable into every situation. No big deal if it’s “Whites Only” who are murdered. Where’s the political capital in that?

UPDATE 1/24/21: Emblematic of the great Orwellian Reset, President-In-Waiting Kamala’s contempt and power lust over the Little Guy  gets conveniently erased and revised, Soviet-style. Going down the memory hole is the great amusement she got in a 2019 interview comparing her suffering as a rising political star to lock-up in a prison cell (where she has a history of putting too many people): “‘It’s a treat that a prisoner gets when they ask for, ‘A morsel of food please,’ ” Kamala said shoving her hands forward as if clutching a metal plate, her voice now trembling like an old British man locked in a Dickensian jail cell. “‘And water! I just want wahtahhh….’Your standards really go out the f—ing window.’ Kamala burst into laughter.'”

Bad optics coming from this former California DA, “Miss Lock-Up-A-Brother, this great friend of the Little Guy jailing parents over truancy…and literally laughing all the way up the political ladder.

Laughing and cackling, always cackling and laughing, fawned over and pampered by the MSM for the “common touch” shared by her senile running mate, now primed to become our very own Madame Mao. Hillary must be hitting the Chardonnay hard to ease the envy.

Miss Lock Up a Brother


UPDATE 1/6/21: The increasingly remarkable Kaloma Kalypsa now adds 19th century heroine to her unbelievable list of assumed identities that never were. This time, courtesy of the Babylon Bee’s thorough reporting, hepping Deep Souf swaves to fweedom on de undegwound wairwoad.

Undergwround Wailwoad

UPDATE 1/5/21: Kalamity channels tall-tale-telling Hillary and does a direct steal from a 1965 MLK interview in Playboy claiming to have been a precocious little SJW who wanted “fweedom.” Not by chance, it’s the same little girl who was (but wasn’t) forced to ride a segregated school bus in integrated (since 1943) California. Amazingly, this is the very same non-existent brat who has glowing childhood memories of Kwanzaa celebrations.

The danger posed by people in public life like this is based entirely on the serene ease with which they lie. And who does it better and more naturally than Kamala?

kamala liar liar liar pants on fire

UPDATE 12/27/20: And what are YOUR warmest childhood recollections of Kwanzaa? This one about a certain serial liar’s magical “Kwanzaa memories” beats all: “”Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most,” as much as her lifelong love and deep understanding of Chanukah. Let’s, see: Chanukah, 8, Kwanzaa 7, Chanukah, 8, Kwanzaa, 7. Whatever. Break out the Kwanzaa cake, every bit as authentic & palatable as Kamala The Kwanzaa Kween herself and settle back for one more outrageous load of animal excretion.

Happy Kwanzaa

UPDATE 10/27/20: “Is there something wrong with her?” asks a certain well-known man not prone to burst out laughing in response to serious questions about socialism and leading the free world. Um, yeah. There’s a lot wrong with her, and America will have plenty NOT to laugh about if she goes any further up the political ladder. This is the Left’s ideal candidate, the original Hollow Woman, ready to be anything and anyone to anybody who’ll give her power. Any physical attractiveness she might have displayed suddenly evaporates when that voice and weird cackling jars the ether. Very reminiscent of another eminently dislikeable female candidate  prone for many, many years to inappropriate laughter. Maybe post-Election, the two of them can yuck it up on their own talk/laugh radio show. Could be ENDLESS ratings magic among a [VERY] specific demographic. And living hell for anyone within earshot.

The impending good news is, barring the catastrophe of her being elected next Tuesday, she’ll go down in history as just one more losing Vice Presidential candidate (56 out of 58) who never went further & faded away into obscurity.

Laugh’s on us…or her? Tuesday will tell. 

UPDATE 10/8/20: Post-debate: the closer up one gets, the more glaring the contempt, the easy lying, the fluidly two-faced movement from one position to the opposite pole.  All things or anything to whomever or whatever gets #HeelsUpHarris where the  money and power are. What dark deeds lie ahead, given the full power she craves? Who know her better than Willie Brown? “That’s just Kamala being Kamala.”


UPDATE 9/20/20: They’re hardly hiding the fact that Joe is a helpless stand-in while Kamala will be the one behind the curtain, doing the bidding of those really pulling the strings. Harris-Biden=Obama III perhaps? 


UPDATE 9/11/20: The Dems’ slithery Veep candidate continues her wild pandering, obviously feeling immune to the inevitable viral blowback for her blatant hypocrisy. This time, she tells the latest Victim/Martyr/serial criminal of the moment Jacob Blake she’s “PROUD” of him. Presumably, that includes pride in his life of raping/beating/abusing/impregnating various women prior to his current 15 minutes as a useful propaganda tool. Lordy, that woman will say anything for a vote! Hello, selectively outraged #MeToo crusaders! Anyone home?

8/31/20: Joe’s clean, articulate running mate with the darkish skin and ethnic-sounding name  (rhymes with Walla Walla) has been helping raise bail for those Black Shirt worthies “protesting on the ground” aka hardened criminals running rampant through our cities. “Coalition of Conscience” she calls them, and she promises “They’re not gonna stop, and everyone beware, because they’re not gonna stop,” she added. “They’re not gonna stop before Election Day in November, and they’re not gonna stop after Election Day.”!


That is, until polls show people don’t like riots. Now she rolls her eyes, bedgrudgingly offering, “Tsk, tsk” [as she stifles a giggle.] Irresistible selling points for voting urbanites of voting age living in fear for their lives, property and businesses.

BLM bail support

UPDATE 8/18/20: Ms. #HeelsUpHarris has earned her hash tag the oldest old-fashioned Way With Willie while standing for alternately nothing and anything that further advances her career and influence. Fair enough. This “New Obama,” every bit as self-sacrificing, trustworthy and genuine as the old one.


UPDATE 8/12/20: Kamala Walla Bing Bang aka #HeelsUpHarris: by whatever name, the best looking and possibly the most ruthless of the “qualified” Women Of Color Minus Content Of Character (or qualifications)”, so a natural choice as Sleepy Joe’s Veep.  Movin’ On Up Up Up to the top of the political pile without sleeping with anyone but her husband (recently)! Her history and past impressions (see below) as timely as ever. Peter Schweitzer’s “Profiles In Corruption” is a good place to begin sizing up this barracuda.

kamala camel cowgirl

UPDATE 6/30/19: One can’t be a Dem candidate for POTUS, 2020 unless one proposes giving away trillions and trillions of other people’s dollars. Kamala, not about to be left behind, has everyone’s else’s money all ear-marked and ready for distribution. Her promises change with the polls, but be assured Willie’s Girl is handing out the money. Recipients? Anyone who might benefit from a salary raise, medical care, reparations for being Black. Brass tacks: anyone who votes for her is qualified.

UPDATE 2/23/19: Can we count on continued cock-ups from Kamala The Klutz? Of course! When your entire campaign is about pandering to anyone to the Left and no one in a Conservative direction, count on gobs of gaffes galore.

UPDATE 2/22/19: Not for the squeamish: how many pieces of fresh, warm excrement can one pick out of this lede? “Kamala Harris Ignores Questions on Smollett Hoax after Dining with Sharpton.

Let's call it political pornography.
Ewwww. Pure political pornography.

UPDATE 2/18/19: GanjaGirl’s father takes issue with her stereotyping Jamaican relatives as a bunch of Rastafarian dopers in her phony baloney pot pandering riff. And suspicions are aroused regarding her weirdly coincidental connections to the MAGA hoaxer Smollett’s “lynching” and the eerily-timed anti-lynching bill she and T-Bone fabulist Spartacus drafted in a recent flurry of virtue signaling. Busy, busy.

UPDATE 2/17/19: KounterKultureKoolKitty Kamala gleefully admits she did indeed inhale as she scavenges the dope-smoking brain-dead for potential votes. BUT, like beer-chugging Native American redneck Lizzie Warren she comes off as total fake. Claims her favorite backgound music for getting high in the 80s was Tupac & Snoop. Except they weren’t even recording until the following decade. Get your dates straight, Girlfriend!

Going one further to ingratiate herself with The Kids who toke up: ““I think that it gives a lot of people joy, and we need more joy.” So, now it’s harmless? This from the former CA AG who was busy packing prisons with petty pot peddlers. Apparently, Kamala was against marijuana legalization before she was for it. Get your political positions straight, Sistah!!

UPDATE 1/29/19: Kamala The Candid: “Will take your guns away. Will take your doctor away. Will take your free market away. Will take your car away. Will take your wealth away. Will take your wall away. Cool, let’s vote for her! Said nobody with a brain.” Any questions?

UPDATE 1/27/19: Kamala now all in to become the female Obama. Apparently, as far Left as Left can go short of being the female Stalin (maybe) is what the Dem base is buying. The lesson to all aspiring feminists: sleep your way to the top. Ask Willie Brown who knows (having been threatened with indictment by his former squeeze turned SF DA): “That’s Kamala being Kamala.” And “That’s politics for ya.” We await with bated breath this cuddly Californicating piranha’s next hot lick & big “move.”

ORIGINAL POST 4/15/18: Ethnic sounding first name, Jamaican father, East Indian mother. Eureka! The next big Dem Thang! Meet Kamala Harris, a female Obama, ruthless political ambition, the ideal Black/East Indian/Female/Dem Party dream child. Content of character? Feh. Attribute her quick rise through the Donkey ranks solely to all the aforementioned. Naturally when questioned, our Dem Party ID Politics Poster Girl plays coy. Presidency? Nah. She is beholden to the sacred charge granted her, to serve the people of the great state of California…while she makes the frenzied rounds of meet-and-greet DNC cocktail parties in the most unCalifornicated places.

We are the company we keep.

In this age of #MeToo, Kamala has lived the soul-searing difficulties of being a “vulnerable” young woman in a field of exploitive males. On her way up, wide-eyed Kamala inadvertently accidentally against-her-will found herself bedding down (married) SF Mayor Willie Brown, just a guppy girl’s way of surviving in a sea of predatory male sharks. When it works and gives a dewy-eyed lass a shapely leg up on that big career, it’s robust, lusty feminism. When it backfires, it’s The HandMaid’s Tale, and the male hierarchy must atone.

Good fun in public with all their clothes on!

Now somehow sitting pretty in the U.S. Senate (thanks in part to the backing of fellow “ethnic” & Fake Bay State Indian Warren) and making a name for herself as the August Body’s biggest bully, our Girl-On-The-Go is in full positioning mode, playing the whole range of notes on the political spectrum like a manic xylophonist. The eye-rolling image of her “tough questioning” of Facebook’s Zuckerberg should be kept in mind in the not so distant future when we will surely happen upon her in bed with him (metaphorically speaking of course) currying certain voter data favors that only the owner of Facebook can provide a POTUS wannabe.

Add to her roster of qualifications a great sense of humor as when she laughs riotously on Ellen’s talk show about killing Trump, Pence and Sessions in one fell swoop. Don’t miss her invocation of the Spirit of ’76, Americanism and the Founding Fathers within seconds of wickedly contemplating this side-splitting triple assassination.

As she understands the purposes of government, a President Kamala would be Head Nanny. Gun owners should be on high alert. Ditto anyone countering the expansion of welfare rolls,  open borders and heading off all those New Dem-voting Dreamers. The girl’s a killer, and she’s just what the Dem Donkey Doctor ordered.

“Don’t crowd Kamala,” warns wary Willie Brown who should certainly know. In response to criticism for her grandstanding bully turns on the Senate floor, Willie adds, “That’s just Kamala being Kamala.” Don’t say you weren’t warned.


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