MICHELLE-ANTOINETTE “Experts” UPDATE 5/12/20: Who are these two men-Fauci and Ferguson-on whose sage advice we have needlessly shut down the entire world? What kind of …
Gretchen “Nurse Wretched” Whitmer, CoronaCrazed Mafia Moll
UPDATE 7/14/22: No surprise that the reported kidnap plot of this most undesirable of hostages was almost certainly her own concoction, assisted by the FBI. …
Adam “Pencil Neck” Schiff
The less attention paid to the aptly-named “pencil neck geek” and embarrassing poseur patriot the better. His distinguished CV speaks for itself. We (and all …
Jeremy Corbyn, the British Dark Side
Now sent packing by a British electorate coming to its senses, Jeremy Corbyn is the British embodiment of our own anti-Semitic, Marxist Democratic Party gone …
Chris Cuomo: If crazed=caring, CNN has its own on-air saint.
UPDATE 5/3/20: Little Fredo gets caught disregarding quarantine while simultaneously lecturing The Little People on STAYING AT HOME! Seems he also has a little masculinity …
RINOS-Romney (Updated to Cheney/Haley): With McCain gone, now the ugliest RINO.
UPDATE 1/4/25: The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Joe and Liz (and Dick!): all together at last!!! Leave it to DJT …
John McCain’s Legacy: Dem Darling in Death
UPDATE 9/5/20: Trump’s original diss of McCain’s wartime record is falsely expanded upon in a hit piece from The Atlantic to create the perception he considers all soldiers …
SPLC-Prominent practitioner in the Leftist Hate Racket
UPDATE 3/27/19: Just another White-operated money-making scam using Blacks and their deliberately perpetuated victimhood as the come-on…currently $500 million’s worth. The grifting founder, Morris Dees, …
Cenk Uygur: the Young Turks and the Justice Democrats
Thuggish political chameleon/opportunist (former Reaganite, now Progressive-quite the leap), star of the YouTube SJW channel, the Young Turks. Formerly involved with the Justice Democrats (the …