One with a worthy woman “of color” for Heels Up’s permanent CV complementing the graphic just above that should have ended this farcical …
David and Emma, young media Hoggs.
UPDATE 9/1/18: Squeaky David Hogg faces down Smith & Wesson. Awesome. Like Gary Cooper. “Full of himself” a meager description of The Geeky Gun Hater’s …
Dick Durbin. Speaking of bad words…
There are other more colorful words besides “jerk” and “hypocrite” to describe Congressman and chronic liar Dick Durbin, but they’ll do fine. Dick’s latest bit of habitual subversion …
Phil Murphy, the Garden State’s new tallest weed and its very own Bill de Blasio.
PHIL MURPHY, NJ GOVERNOR UPDATE 10/28/21: Thanks to a loose-lipped aide spilling NJ Governor Phil Murphy,’s heretofore unexpressed intentions post election, Garden State residents are …
Terry McAuliffe: “As partisan eye-gougers go, [Virginia] Governor McAuliffe, a Democrat, is near the top of the list.”
UPDATE 11/29/17: Terry and the Pirates! Flavored with that magic Billary kiss of death, McAuliffe now finds himself squarely in the middle of yet …
Debbie “Blabber Mouth” Wasserman Schultz
Seething madwoman and Obama’s perfect choice to be the in-your-face face of his Party. When asked the difference between today’s Democrats and Socialists, here’s her long-winded, vacuous …
Nancy Pelosi: Estrogen Edsel, Unsexed Political Robot
UPDATE 8/5/24: It’s too kind to attribute Nancy Pelosi’s estimation of herself and Joe Biden as “Mount Rushmore” material to her advanced age and …
James Comey:
Just another Clinton crony and DC insider on the take.
UPDATE 4/22/18: Take a “Leakin’ Lyin’ Nasty Giraffe, code-named ‘Slimeball’” and cross it with a sleazy weasel and waddya get? A pompous, mendacious ex-FBI director …
Lindsey Graham, unctuous RINO, Cruz hater
UPDATE 10/5/18: NEW, IMPROVED and totally admirable Lindsey Graham. Defender of Kavanaugh and all the whole uproar represents to our politics, entertaining zingermeister in front …