UPDATE 8/5/24: It’s too kind to attribute Nancy Pelosi’s estimation of herself and Joe Biden as “Mount Rushmore” material to her advanced age and advancing senility. As experience has taught us, we all become more ourselves as we age, and the megalomania, power-lust and out-of-bounds arrogance of the Obama/Biden/Clinton/Pelosi era are all that accurate history will reluctantly recall of them.
Hopefully, Nancy’s fantasized desecration of Mt. Rushmore is one of the last terrible jokes played on America by the political cancer known as the Obama/Hillary/Biden/Pelosi infestation. (How fitting it is that that the Joe likeness looks uncannily like Jeffrey Epstein, another indelible icon in the heroic Dem pantheon.)
UPDATE 9/8/23: As if any mention of her name isn’t bad enough, we’re treated this week to the news that Nancy will run for re-election…on…are you ready?…“San Francisco values.”
San Fecesco values, the perfect Democratic Potty platform.
UPDATE 1/30/23: So the released videos seem to verify that Paul Pelosi’s attacker was not invited in but broke in as surveillance cameras show. Odd that such high-profile figures as the Pelosis don’t have better home and personal security, especially in a crime-ridden city like Frisco. And no, we don’t feel badly about suspecting something seamier from these serial rotters. They immediately accused conservatives of creating “a climate of violence” causing a typical Left Coast weirdo to act out his sickness. What else have we come to expect?
UPDATE 1/28/23: Video of the attack on Paul Pelosi is now public and hard to refute what our eyes tell us. Has it been ascertained that the attacker really broke into the house and was not an invited late-night guest?
UPDATE 1/25/23: Purged of demons, Nancy has become a MAGA moll!
UPDATE 1/4/23: The unlamented former Sprechtress Of The House has exited with a customary flourish of nonsensical admiration for herself and her Party. “The House Democratic Caucus is the greatest collection of intellect, integrity and imagination assembled for the good of the American people.” Does this count as more of her sinister gaslighting or just the mad ravings of a female megalomaniac?
UPDATE 11/24/22: Pelosi is fired and presumably gone for good, but her legacy is the unalloyed poison of far-Left policies giddily mainlined into American society during her “reign.” Putting aside political malfeasance, the nasty woman licking her lips, waving designer ice cream on camera in front of millions of the unemployed and ruined business owners, will be remembered with the same fondness as Dorothy’s melted nemesis.
Good riddance to a power-mad, empty old Queen of Mean.
UPDATE 11/7/22: In what are hopefully her last days in power, we jump at the chance to print at least one more blatant whopper, this one regarding her saintly/Catholic family man/hearts-full-of-love hubby and his whereabouts on that fateful night: “And I’m thinking my children, my grandchildren. I never thought it would be Paul because, you know, I knew he wouldn’t be out and about, shall we say.”
DUI a month or two back? Wrecked $170K Porsche at 10:15 pm. Of course why would she suspect he was “out and about.?
UPDATE 10/30/22: Like everything connected with or in the vicinity of Nancy Pelosi, nothing ever smells quite right, and that includes the now-notorious Affaire du Hemp/Hippie/Hammer which bears looking into a little more deeply than officially reported. Read the strange sequence of events from the time the cops finally arrived to an open front door to two men struggling over a hammer to one attacking the other to police actively interceding. Wha?!
What’s that word again? You know, for reveling in other people’s misfortune? (Just asking for a friend, of course). Hillary might think about withdrawing that tweet after seeing Elon’s response and the strong possibility Nancy’s consort was paying for IT in her absence with some local low-end trade. And not for the first time.
UPDATE 10/29/22: The latest Paul Pelosi incident coming close on the heels of his DUI/car crash will not be the last time House Sprechtress Nancy will have to explain her own very untidy house and the unattractive kin within. Calling it a simple break-in and assault doesn’t fully add up, judging from the publicly available 911 emergency response. Where was the security one would expect for the home of a wealthy high government official? Whatever the full story, the high hopes of Nancy & Co. milking this as one more example of MAGA evil have been dampened by revelations of the attacker’s Never Trump/Leftist sympathies. The usual suspects have already tried to blame Trump and his followers.
Perhaps of greatest significance is the public outpouring of sympathy for Paul Pelosi from those on record having celebrated Rand Paul’s serious injuries at the hands of a deranged, politically partisan neighbor several years back. That happens to include the Pelosis’ own daughter who tweeted praise for the attack on the Senator.. Naturally, Rand Paul has come under fire wishing Paul Pelosi “a speedy recovery” while reminding everyone of the Pelosi spawn’s nasty tweet.
There they go again: the Leftists projecting the rot of their own black-hearted malevolence onto their political opponents. These people are not amenable to compromise or “meeting in the middle.” They are totalitarians, committed to the destruction of all impediments to their absolute power and must be kept at bay in whatever way our legal/electoral system allows.
UPDATE 9/6/22: A post has floated the rumor that Nance is gearing up for being deposed in November and is looking at an ambassadorship to Italy! The heart leaps and soars in hopeful anticipation!
UPDATE 9/1/22: Nice try for optics of bravery and standing up for a free China living under threat of conquest by the ChiCom slavemasters, but (surprise!), the Taiwan junket was all about the Pelosi crime bigtime family assets (specifically via Nancy’s very own Hunter, Paul P. Jr.) on the mainland. As long as no one raises an eyebrow, the money will keep flowing into the pockets of Pelosi and The Big Guy.
UPDATE 8/9/22: Washington’s own Snow White, taking time out from mothering all her Dem dwarves in Congress, warbles a sing-songy, condescending version of “It’s A Small World After All” after meeting all sorts of nice little Asian people on her Far East junket. “Beautiful Diversity!” she sighs in her best pandering, politically correct accent.
UPDATE 6/1/22: Those wild & crazy Pelosi kids! Hearts full of love, bladders full of booze! And there’s a distinctly unfunny family history of reckless joyriding going back to the 50s.
UPDATE 5/20/22; “Full of love” phony Catholic Pelosi has run into a little problem with her parish priest, no less the Archbishop of San Francisco who has banned this abortion enthusiast from receiving communion. There is comfort that serial liars infesting and now defining the Dem Party are being called out. There must come a point where spin and dissemblance meets that overdue stone wall…that falls on them.
UPDATE 3/24/22: Hearts-Full-Of-Love Nancy has thrown down the gauntlet and basically stated she’s bigger than the Catholic Church. How dare they have rules and guidelines? Like the Orwellian nightmare she is, she’ll just redefine what a good Catholic is to her own ultra-corrupt specs. If a country is to be judged by its elected representatives, we are the dregs.
UPDATE 1/20/22: Joe has Hunter. Nancy has Paul, Jr. And nephew Gavin. Do you suppose it’s about apples and that tree?
UPDATE 10/11/21: Tell a lie or inflict assault enough, and the jaded observer becomes numb to shock or outrage. So it is with repeated revelations about the Pelosis and their transparent, lifelong grift.
UPDATE 9/8/21: Good, “hearts full of love” Bride of Christ and Democrat communicant [first things first!] Nancy may find herself excommunicated at the recommendation of her own local SF Archbishop. Sure bet that this seriously religious Leftist will respond underwhelmingly with a big yawn.
UPDATE 8/22/21: Pelosi continues to come out firmly in support of Jello Joe and his “clarity of purpose” in abandoning Afghanistan and thousands of stranded Americans eagerly anticipating all the great things in store about to arrive with the Taliban.
UPDATE 8/20/21: That profoundly ugly & twisted Frisco sociopath masquerading as a devout nun with benefits always has a wise, serious take on everything. One fondly recalls her good counsel about passing ObamaCare to see what was in it. About rioting in the cities, tearing down statues? “People will do what they do.” About billions of dollars of American military hardware being left behind for the Taliban (and their Chinese advisers) to use against us? “This is what happens when you withdraw.”
To borrow from another principled female in power dodging ANY sense of responsibility for the consequences of her own evil intentions: “Oh well, what difference does it make now?”
UPDATE 8/3/21: Reiterating Kirstie Alley’s opinion that this witch gives witches a bad name, Newt seconds the notion and suggests concrete action against this one-woman political plague.
UPDATE 4/25/21: Competition is fierce determining who is the most dangerous politician operating these days. But the ruthless determination of Madame Sprecher to remake our entire electoral process into One Party Rule stands out as about as scary a prospect as we’ve seen. The House under her foaming-at-the-mouth rule has now passed the Orwellian named “For The People Act” #H.R. 1, effectively eliminating the autonomy of the States from the Fed.
Goodbye, Electoral College. Hello, Popular Vote about to be enhanced by 10-20-30 million U.S. Treasury-subsidized New Democrats about to be imported from abroad and naturalized.
Also just passed is H.R. 51, the move to add Washington D.C. (and eventually Puerto Rico) as respectively the 51st and 52nd States meaning 4 more Democrat Senators and however many new Democrat House Reps their gerrymandering can create. Goodbye, any future opposition to far Leftist Democrat government.
UPDATE 1/31/21: While the usual hyenas continue to howl for Trump’s blood and his tax returns and whatever might totally ruin or. ideally, end his life, their selective outrage bypasses the blatant corruption of one of their own Beloved Leaders. Where is the shock at Nancy “Hearts Full Of Love” Pelosi and her shyster hubby investing heavily in various markets while simultaneously using government influence and privileged information to wipe out that market’s competition? Hardly the first time. It’s called crony capitalism and/or insider trading. Anyone in that camp over yonder asking how these career politicians, particularly those anti-capitalists on the Dem Left, have accumulated multimillions on a politician’s salary? Martha Stewart, a private citizen minus any official political power like The Designer Ice Cream Italian-American Princess, went to jail for much less.
![Why? Because I can.](https://michelle-antoinette.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/PELOSI-CORRUPTION-IMAGE-300x200.jpg)
UPDATE 12/29/20: A Mafia protection racket continues to be the best existing model for describing today’s Democratic Party: destroy people’s businesses, then come to their rescue with a few crumbs…in exchange for permanent ownership, body & soul. Behold Nancy Pelosi’s magnanimous offer to “feed” a few crumbs to the very people she has kept out of work. She even backhands her uncharacteristically uppity interviewer Wolf B. by sarcastically thanking him for HIS “sensitivity.” We are commanded to acknowledge HER “sensitivity.” So many words come to mind: loathsome, odious, evil….
UPDATE 10/10/20: The winged monkeys are poised at her signal to fly. Is Donald her prey? Or is Sleepy Joe the obstacle to be removed at some hoped-for future date when he’s holding a certain position of power she covets?
![Mask and constitution](https://michelle-antoinette.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Mask-and-constitution-300x200.jpg)
UPDATE 9/25/20: There are demagogues, and then there are cackling witches, insane with power and the fear of losing it. Cheering the BLM/AntiFa destroyers on, the Speaker of the House, firmly establishes herself as an active force of pure evil. The politics of extortion, give us our way or the cities burn. How very reminiscent of Dem strategy the last election cycle. Do they know, will they admit, do they even care that there are terrible consequences to their violent rhetoric for average Americans across the country?
UPDATE 9/7/20: Like Blake’s aphorism about seeing the world in a grain of sand, here we can observe the whole nasty Leftwing Universe of politics through a filthy, clotted, stinking mass of sludge just removed from a certain San Fran septic tank. Typical White, Leftist champion of the Little Guy, compassionate crusader Pelosi comes out post-Hairgate squarely for the most publicized victim of the week: HERSELF! She was set up!
Now through her $1000?/$2000? an hour lawyer, she offers up veiled threats of a looming lawsuit against the salon owner whose establishment was not allowed to function during the Corona “crisis”…except for the rich and privileged like Nancy. The owner is wisely packing up and leaving unfriendly Blue Pelosi country, hopefully taking up Kristi Noem’s personal invitation to set up shop in South Dakota where she can “run your salon in a state that respects freedom and won’t shut you down.” One on the scoreboard for politicians specifically in business to keep the path clear for their constituents, zero for the hypocritical power gluttons of Pelosi’s vile ilk. Kinda illuminates everyone’s choice in the voting booth these days.
UPDATE 9/3/20: Let them eat Clairol! Queen Nancy goes full Michelle-Antoinette to get her hair done privately in a salon forced to stay closed by Blue-state mandates. As usual, these Special Ones ignore their own rules, utterly indifferent to the ruinous consequences those arbitrary edicts have for the Little People. Madam insists it’s a “set-up”…just like being secretly forced to show off hoarded designer ice cream to millions of the suddenly jobless in front of one’s $20k freezer. Some animals are more equal than other animals.
Meanwhile, send a few bucks to Shelly Luther, now running for office after being jailed for defying shutdown of HER Texas hair salon.
6/28/20: To the best of their collective recollection, Nancy and her fellow “hearts full of love” can’t seem to recall the name of the man who’s given them their latest crisis to exploit. That’s CARING!
![Are the cameras still rolling? How long do we have to wear this friggin' mask 'n schmatte get-up?](https://michelle-antoinette.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Pelosi-African-mask-wearers-300x169.jpg)
6/21/20: Odious Pelosi goes full grave desecration and presents George Floyd’s brother with a folded American flag, an honor traditionally reserved for real wartime heroes, fallen military veterans who have died in service to their country. However, since the unfortunate (and very flawed) Mr. Floyd’s exploitable demise has proven useful in their own subversive war on America, he is, to the increasingly perverse Democrat mind, a wartime hero too!
UPDATE 4/26/20: As if born to define the role, Nancy goes full Michelle/Marie-Antoinette with her now infamous “Let Them Eat Ice Cream” appearance on trendy late-night television. While making no secret of stalling financial relief to desperate American small businesses, she stands arrogantly in her opulent pantry before full-stocked $20K+ freezers, bragging about how much designer ice cream she hoards. Does the word “clueless” come to mind? The words cruel and heartless most definitely.
Looking more closely, one should note the singular enthusiasm of Nancy & Co. for mail-in absentee voting that the CoronaCraze crisis has brought to the fore. Surely it has nothing to do with facilitated vote tampering.
UPDATE 3/30/20: And no, once again, she doesn’t hate anyone, least of all Donald Trump. Baselessly accusing a political opponent of mass murder doesn’t not constitute hate, just good politics mixed with a touch of power madness.
UPDATE 3/28/20: The very picture of Catholic/Christian concern, the Pelosi Crime Family‘s mother and daughter act goes all out Sopranos: Mom not letting this crisis go to waste by trying (unsuccessfully) to mega-pork (1400 pages!) her end of the Coronavirus Stimulus bill, daughter Christine advocating physical assault on her Mom’s political opponents. Remember “hearts full of love”? (See below).
UPDATE 2/5/20: No, of course she doesn’t hate the President. She doesn’t hate anybody. This good little bride of Christ morphed to Rumplestiltskin was brought up with a heart full of love. Really. She says so.
UPDATE 12/11/19: Be especially wary of this or any other phony demagogue prefacing the usual pious remarks with “As a Catholic…” or “As a Jew…“
UPDATE 12/7/19: After announcing “with a heart full of love for America” that she is gunning for Donald Trump’s head, a former white-frocked first communicant representing a certain deteriorating American city named for St. Francis is asked by a reporter “Do you hate the President, Madam Speaker?” This nice little Italian mother & grandmother snaps, “As a Catholic, I resent your using the word hate in a sentence that addresses me. I don’t hate anyone. I was raised in a way that…heart full of love [sic], and always pray for the President…so don’t mess with me…!“ Recall that this is the mother described boastfully by one of her admiring daughters as someone who’ll “…cut your head off, and you won’t even know you’re bleeding.” Hateful? Political assassin? A Mme. Defarge for our times? Rank hypocrite? Nah.
![Posted by a prominent member of The Heart Party Full Of Love.](https://michelle-antoinette.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Screenshot_2019-10-19-Barbra-Streisand-tweets-cartoon-of-Nancy-Pelosi-impaling-Trump-with-giant-high-heel1.png)
UPDATE 7/14/19: Playing the long game of Permanent Dem Majority via open borders/unchecked immigration, Our LAWLESS Lady of Sanctuary gives a kindly heads-up to millions of illegals targeted for deportation by those nasty ICE men. Why enforce laws when you might lose those future Democrats? Keep ’em coming!
![You're breaking the law too, Sister. Just sayin'...](https://michelle-antoinette.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/schumer-pelosi-shutdown-treason-per-usc-border-wall1-297x300.jpg)
UPDATE 6/16/19: Nice Catholic girl Nancy, playing to her vicious base, prays for Trump’s soul…and wants to “see him in prison.” Just political posturing perhaps, but rather Stalinist in tone. Not Grandma’s Democratic Party.
UPDATE 1/13/19: Of late, there is a long-range Democratic Party strategy of opening our borders wide, flooding America with untold millions of illegal immigrants, hooking them all on the heroin of “public assistance” thereby buying their votes, ensuring a permanent Democratic voting majority. President Trump, heartily endorsed by his basket base of Deplorables, proposes we enforce our existing immigration laws, allowing immigrants in on the basis of their willingness to become Americans in the true sense: freedom-loving, hard-working, self-reliant, English-speaking. Such people are anathema to today’s Democratic Party since real WORKING people prefer liberty to the all-consuming government control of taxation & regulation that defines today’s radically Left-leaning Democrats. Nancy & Chuck will not subsidize controlled, legal immigration that runs contrary to their vote-harvesting plans.
SO, hard-driving dealmaker Trump shuts down the government until he gets the money for The Wall, persuasively making the case to the American people in a televised address. It goes well. There are a lot of Deplorables out there who want The Wall.
And the Democratic response? No money…YET…but priceless all the same. As the President would say, “Sad.”
![Hat-Tip Hilarity courtesy of The People's Cube.](https://michelle-antoinette.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Shining-Twins-300x199.jpg)
UPDATE 12/16/18: Newly reinstated Speaker of the House and self-appointed castrater-in-chief resorts to high-falutin’ talk about Trump’s manhood when he dares oppose her. Certainly delicious cackling to the ears of the pussy-hat brigade but just a Big Tell when it comes to ALL the good things Mommy Nancy and her fellow Dem/Progs have in mind for ALL of us, male and female.
UPDATE 2/15/18: As a matter of Democratic Party policy, Mme. Speaker has dispensed with MLK’s noble wish for an America that counts character content entirely over skin color. Character is irrevelant when color alone might add millions of illegal immigrants to the Dem Party voting rolls. Pandering overtime while sadistically inflicting 8 hours of her drivel on anyone within earshot on the House floor last week, the increasingly odious Nan recounted the dubious story of her blonde, blue-eyed grandson, about to blow the candles out on his birthday cake, wishing to be brown all over like his Guatemalan friend Antonio. Other than the brainwashed spawn of political fanatics (and certifiable lunatics like Rachel Dolezal), privileged young children do not wish to be brown, poor and living in impoverished Third World countries. But then, Dem Party notables have a long history of lying about and exploiting family members for political purposes.
UPDATE 8/26/17: Whole lotta howlin’ goin’ on as Nutty Nancy the meme mixer warns about the dangers of “crying wolf in a crowded theatre.” Quite so. Crying “racism” at any sign of opposition to their agenda has somewhat diminished the credibility of the Dem Party and its affiliates all up and down the Left. Clearly, racism matters not so much as silencing all voices but their own in our political life. But that’s what totalitarians and fascists of all stripes do: that…and calling themselves “anti-fascists.”
ORIGINAL POST 6/25/17: So Nancy Pelosi has suddenly been deemed toxic by her own Party, all those million$ and million$ flushed away in Georgia and nary even a peach pit of acquired power to show for it.
The naïve amongst us might suggest that, perhaps, just maybe, the Donkey brigade might have seriously reviewed this charmless scold’s painfully long-running record of corruption, lies, slander and astonishing hubris. But of course they did. No mistake or misstep here. Who better as the face and voice of the 21st century’s Democratic Party? Who could shamelessly go before the cameras all these years, spew acid and lies with such cold, comfortable ease? Fortunately, she and her agenda are not selling as they once did.
If genuine human progress remains the ultimate end of any politics, how long can a smug, power-gobbling Party endure when it lays exclusive claim (among many things) to championing women…and produces female impersonators like Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren and Nancy Pelosi as its figureheads and prize trophies?
To sell anything, one must have an attractive product, and these hollow creatures are estrogen Edsels. Power as an end in itself corrupts, and these females prove nothing more than that they can be the rotted-out equals of their male counterparts. Does not Lady Macbeth make the same satanic bargain in pursuit of power when, about to murder the King, she goes against her own nature to beseech a Higher Power to “unsex me here?” Females like Nancy Pelosi (and Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren) can never be women. Real women contain and civilize. Females like these voracious political automatons only consume and destroy.
Perhaps the Dem Party might consider a major facelift.
These folks aren’t subtle, they aren’t even shameful. Pelosi inserted $75M in the corona virus bill for NPR, the radio arm of the Democratic Party, to boost propaganda in an election year. This is necessary, of course, because left wing talk radio, where issues are aired in public discourse, has invariably been a public embarrassment. (Remember the Joy Behar disaster on WABC?) Sound bites that Drill the faithful in the worn out mantras of the left are the essential medium.
With the Left, it is NEVER about solving the real problems at hand. It’s about power.