UPDATE 12/11/24: We are now privy to the mad ends to which prominent Woke/TDS sufferers in the MSM will stray to vainly fashion a fake reality justifying their own psychotic hallucinations. Social media whore Taylor Lorenz went last week on Piers Morgan’s podcast to describe the “joy” she feels at the death of the United Health CEO. Topping even that, the awe-inspiring Rachel Maddow, investigative journalist nonpareil, consistently evoking the descriptive adjective “brilliant” from some of what must be the planet’s dumbest people, has forged a solid link between Trump and the hot preppie CEO killer. Not.

Ah, Rachel, $30 million for one hour weekly of pointless blathering, now desperately filling that ponderous 60 minutes with little but slander, recently forced to take a pay cut down to a measly $25 million due to…um…some necessary budget adjustments (aka vanished audience).

There is some post-election faith that this normalized abnormality in our culture has lost its appeal and that rational, old-fashioned commonsensical thinking and decency are back. The appeal of a Rachel Maddow or Taylor Lorenz is just one of the countless things from the last few years that would make a visitor from Mars immediately book a return trip ticket and make the rest of us stampede over one another for one-way tickets on the same astral conveyance out. God willing, there will be fewer and fewer reasons for us Normies to leave the planet.


UPDATE 12/14/24: Canadian psychologist and insightful social commentator Jordan Peterson has finally had enough and moved himself to the U.S. Although it’s said Tyrant Trudeau’s political days are numbered, Canada does not seem likely to change its suicidal course, judging by its taste for censorship and the general Wokeness infecting a majority of its electorate. Very likely, JP sees Trump’s (and America’s) restoration as too good not to enjoy firsthand.

UPDATE 12/10/24: We saw Australia’s bigtime taste for tyranny during the Covid crackdowns. Unfortunately, that was no fluke but apparently a permanently settled, sooty black cloud hanging over what used to be one of the world’s great lands of liberty and proud individualism. And now, violent acts of antisemitism, that omnipresent handmaiden of Leftism, has reared its ugly head in the form of burning synagogues in Melbourne.  



UPDATE 12/13/24: If the drone invasion of our skies and BrandonWorld’s studied lack of involvement is as sinister as it appears, it’s shaping up to be just part of a catastrophic Biden home stretch, one big trail of filth deliberately left behind for the incoming administration. Joe’s incontinence involves more than a common, undesirable symptom of old age. There is the unprecedented tidal wave of blanket pardons being issued, historically establishing Joe  in a degenerate, corrupt political class uniquely his own. 

He is most likely on the verge of pardoning key figures in some of BrandonWorld’s most egregious crimes such as Fauci’s Covid calamity, Liz Cheney’s J6 inquisition panel and Mark Milley’s incomparably disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal. 

And then there’s the $10Billion in sanctioned assets gifted back to Iran, just days after the election. And mercy for a kids-for-cash judge and bigtime embezzler. And the commuted sentences for some Chinese spies. (That’s what a drug-addled son selling influence to Beijing can get you!)

The company he has kept and the unsurpassed gaslighting effected.

Headline: Pardon denied begging, crooked politician by plainspoken turkey. “C’mon, man! I’m a big f—in’ deal! Mt. Rushmore material!!” 

UPDATE 12/10/24: Rot begets rot. From his communiques on The Laptop, we have known that lowlife Hunter was more than willing to live off The Big Guy’s position while resenting mightily being the family’s loser stooge tapped to do the Biden Syndicate dirty work. Not just a dutiful son, he has always known he had the power to expose the whole nest of Biden vermin. Oh yes. A father’s love for his son. A son’s sense of loyalty to his father. Touching.


CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)


FAUCI and the curse of the “EXPERTS”






UPDATE 12/10/24: Examining this Krugman post back to its beginning in 2012, one is struck by the consistent silliness and senselessness of EVERYTHING spouted by this so-called sage. We’re now informed he is retiring, his final column headlined “We’re in a grim place.” Wrong again, Paolo! With the electoral dispatch of your progressive pals and Trump re-installed, we’re in a wonderful position to correct the multitude of problems created by the phony likes of you and your compadres in the Dem Party Elite.

Happy days are here again, made happier yet by the departure of this intellectual charlatan from the scene.




UPDATE 12/13/24: Few announcements could lift a weary heart more than those confidently proclaiming an end to the Obama myth/fantasy. When first saddled with him, we hopefully prophesized this Ozymandias’ exile to desolate obscurity.  Exceptionally glad tidings for this and all seasons. A lie dispelled, a fraud and accomplished social menace face down and forgotten in some God-forsaken wasteland. 

Let it be.






SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act



UPDATE 12/14/24: One last time, serving only to reassure us that fate can be merciful, often doubly so considering what else came with this rancid package. 

We dodged a bullet of exploding, foul-smelling goo. Yuck.

Forever relieved of Mr. Happy Hands. Does not speak well of the state that elected him their governor. 



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