UPDATE 1/7/25: Ireland is shaming itself with even its archbishop foaming at the mouth at Israel, a blood libel with a charming brogue in sympathy with “Palestinians.”
UPDATE 1/6/25: Antisemitism seems to go with the Woke American Left like soft butter to bread, perhaps most disturbingly coming from radicalized Blacks. From Black members of the U.S. Congress, we will continue suffer through diatribes that might as well be coming from the Whiter-Than-White Klan at its Jim Crow peak a century back.
Knowing the radically Left record of the Congressional Black Caucus, this shouldn’t come as a surprise. Totally unexpected in the last year is the mental meltdown of the once-admirable Candace Owens, now going overtime to seek out dirt on Israel and make anti-Zionism the centerpiece of her political podcast presence.
UPDATE 1/5/25: Jimmy Carter’s blatant, lifelong antisemitism is denied by those heavily invested in hailing his “decency” as demonstrated by the man’s grimly determined, post-Presidential campaign to offset a decidedly failed Presidency. He can take posthumous solace in not being the worst President in U.S. history, having lived long enough to witness Joe Biden. Fittingly, the latter has declared a National Day Of Mourning honoring the former, two rather dislikeable characters both raised to the pinnacle of American life on the false pretense of being “nice guys.” One more lingering lie as they both fade mercifully from memory.
UPDATE 12/27/24: Ireland? The emerald isle a red-hot seat of antisemitism? Haters of the West and all things Western including Christianity and Israel?
UPDATE 11/22/24: Those American anti-Zionists on the Left (including too many Jews) display a boundless love, sympathy and tears for the memory of Jews getting baked in ovens, not so much now when furiously defending themselves in the Middle East or getting attacked on the streets of Amsterdam. Now Jews are just another bunch of privileged White imperialists.
UPDATE 11/7/24: They’re hunting down Jews in Amsterdam, 2024. 10/7 was not an isolated pogrom confined only to the Middle East.
UPDATE 10/9/24: The ongoing eruption of anti-Israel/pro-Hamas demonstrations worldwide is everyone’s problem as Israel’s fate is totally intertwined with our own.
What has become of us when the entire Western world seems to have turned on Israel? If for no other reason, the American people need to wake up to what they’re enabling with a continuation of the Obama/Biden/Harris active alliance with Israel’s enemies.
UPDATE 10/5/24: Candace Owen’s mad (in both senses) spiral down into inexplicable antisemitism is sad and disappointing to witness. This is a far cry from what has been an admirable rise to prominence (see original post, 8/29/20).
UPDATE 5/11/24: The American Left’s passion for eugenics a century back, a dogma of racial superiority that inherently includes antisemitism, is just an earlier deep dark expression of today’s Elites fancying themselves the rightful masters of the universe.
UPDATE 4/25/24: Hard to believe that a Jew can no longer feel secure on New York’s Upper West Side or on the Columbia University campus. Roots of this sick situation go back to those Ivy League elitists of the early 20th century who enthusiastically embraced such notions as eugenics and racial purity, ideology not particularly favorable to Jews. And now it has come to this, an American Cultural Revolution, the makings of a fascist, antisemitic America that the Left has long projected onto MAGAWorld. It CAN happen here, but NOT as those same elitists predicted it to be the work of racist White Christianity. The Pro-Palestine, Free Gaza, River To The Sea plague sweeping the campuses is the all-encompassing wish to destroy not just Jews but America, Israel and ALL vestiges of free societies.
Stop it now or face the unthinkable.
4/24/24: Remember Helen Thomas, revered member of the White House Press Corps and special Democrat media darling during the Clinton years? Telling Holocaust survivors and all Israelis to go back to Germany and Poland? At Columbia U, the pro-Hamas crowd is channeling the hideous old hag.
Ugly is as ugly does.
UPDATE 3/5/24: Great Britain, historically the cradle of political liberty, now hosts a publishing industry that makes a point of silencing and boycotting Jewish authors. Oh, those pesky Jews, always underfoot. Not a new development in the British Establishment.
A UK Sunday Times depiction of Netanyahu from January, 2013, building a wall with Palestinian blood.
UPDATE 12/17/23: The pants-down exposure of Harvard that has come of the Congressional grilling of its President only begins to display the antisemitic haven our most prestigious university has become over time. How have they gotten away with campus “affinity groups” allying the predictable Woke factions (colored races, members of the off-center gender spectrum) that specifically excludes Jews?
Supposedly a “joke.” Jews need not apply. Coloreds ok. Ha Ha. What a coincidence that it reads like a holiday party invitation just sent out by Boston’s Mayor!
UPDATE 11/10/23: No, it’s not melting glaciers caused by Global Warming. It’s Lake Rashida, catching all her fake crocodile tears shed in service to earning our sympathy & understanding. Sorry, Rash, it’s not playing even among Democrats.
Much too flattering.
UPDATE 11/2/23: How do average liberal Democrats reconcile their own devoted support for a Party that welcomes the evil likes of a Rashida Tlaib, not to mention nearly 50 other FOHs (Friends of Hamas)?
UPDATE 10/13/23: After the Squad members ignored the blatant savagery of their Middle Eastern counterparts and responded predictably this week only with sympathy and outrage for their supposedly victimized, terrorist brethren in Gaza, it suddenly shocks Democrats (both elected and those voting for them) that they have been the Party willing to host rank anti-Semites like Tlaib, Omar & AOC.
Apparently, all those elected Democrats and voters determined to keep these flesh-eating harpies in power had no idea these women really mean all those things they’ve said in support of any policy dedicated to Israel’s annihilation.
The last line of the original post from four years ago (3/3/19) for this thread was “Behold the new face of the harmoniously hateful Democratic Party.” The only revision should be use of the word “new.” As high-ups in the Donkey brigade have refused to expel or even censure these blood-thirsty vampires, they have become the true face of a death cult operating within the legitimate American political system. Hate most definitely has a home in the Democrat Party.
UPDATES 2/7/23: Omar and her vile, racist cohorts in Congress have gotten too predictable, crying “Race! Gender!” at any and all opposition to their highly selective outrage(s). Cries of “Class!” carry little weight any more, considering how open that leaves these rich, grifting parasites to their own criticism. Without fail, their venom is cannily withheld from any demographic that isn’t exploitable by ID Politics hustlers, like themselves for instance.
UPDATE 2/2/23: Thanks to Republican control of Congress, respectably mainstreamed anti-Semites like the odious Omar are not feeling the love they felt under the warm, cuddly Pelosi regime.
Still, in 2023, winner and champion!
UPDATE 5/27/22: The Congressional coven known as The Squad continues to be a blot and stain on American politics. Alas, somebody has voted for these Marxist anti-Semitic America haters and will gladly do so again.
UPDATE 9/24/21: A penetrating analysis of anti-Semite Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, American-born, self-identified as “Palestinian,” determined to Islamize America. Misery loves company, and to her dying day this hater will seek to re-make the whole world in her own wretched image.
UPDATE 6/14/21: Let’s see now: Hamas is criticizing their natural fellow traveler Omar for associating them with people they don’t like. So what does that mean for this shining light of Pelosi’s Death Squad? The enemy of my enemy is my friend. No, wait, the friend of my enemy is my enemy. Hold on, the friend of my friend is my enemy’s friend. Just a sec. The enemy of my enemy is my enemy. Oh, hell. What say we just let them devour one another.
UPDATE 10/25/20: Like flies to excrement, two Foul (Fowl?!) Clucking Eminentas Hanoi Jane and AOC collide together in an online hen party for two. Seems the very thing that keeps these publicity whores in the news-their all-consuming “more equal than others” hypocrisy mixed with bad brains & self-absorbed nasty natures-is cause for heartrending commiseration between them on Zoom. Both defenseless victims of Donald Trump’s less-than-worshipful comments! Kinda #MeToo without the unwanted fanny pats and pinches. Sob.
10/1/20: Nothing to see here, move along as Congress’ most slickly vicious and money-loving anti-Semite finds her chicly turbaned visage planted facedown in voter fraud muck.
UPDATE 7/21/19: Stark clarity seems to be the positive result of Trump’s now-infamous Tweet inviting these 3 (plus one other head-swiveling CongressCreature in need of an exorcist) to love America or leave it. To re-state the last line below from the original post, “Behold the new face of the harmoniously hateful Democratic Party.”
Meanwhile, more on Omar and her curious family history. Sounds like corruption runs deep in the DNA.
ORIGINAL POST 3/3/19: With the unwelcome arrival of an AOC, Rashida Tlaib (Michigan) and Ilhan Omar (Minnesota) in Washington, we’re treated to yet another trio of subversive harridans haunting the hallowed halls of the U.S. Government, these duly elected by a permanently disgruntled electorate in 3 different Congressional districts in 3 different states.
Each has her own embellished hagiography (refugees! immigrants! the American Dream!) put glowingly forth by an adoring media, but they speak with one hate-filled voice. Uniting them and anti-Trump Progs of all varieties is their white-hot hatred of American free enterprise, capitalism, individual liberty and anything that’s not Socialist/Big Gov [Open Borders! Medicare For All! Death To Israel! Climate Change Crisis!!] That is to say, anything or anybody promoting the idea that individuals can and must rise as individuals, not as passive members of plantation-like Victim Voting blocs dependent upon Marxist Mafiosi molls.
AOC is thus far the most publicized and gaffe-prone, but her two anti-Semitic Muslim comrades are giving her a run for the money.
Ilhan Omar from Minnesota is making HATE/BLAME/WIPE OUT ISRAEL her theme song while Rashida Tlaib has opened her variety show with the upbeat promise to “impeach the MF-er” Trump. Seamlessly synced with her own and Omar’s anti-Semitism, Tlaib is also an active flag-waving-and-wearing PLO cheerleader. Naturally, they are the darlings of anyone on the Mad Cow Left these days although the Donkey Old Guard are wary of the problem this violent, seditious rhetoric may pose at the polls. Be assured that if the majority of American voters were communist Jew-haters too, Pelosi and Schumer and their toads wouldn’t hesitate to be waving Palestinian flags and marching in red on May Day too.
Behold the new face of the harmoniously hateful Democratic Party.
17 Replies to “Anti-Semitism goes mainstream! Ilhan Omar & Rashida Tlaib:
Those merry Muslim Congressional She-Devils”