Now sent packing by a British electorate coming to its senses, Jeremy Corbyn is the British embodiment of our own anti-Semitic, Marxist Democratic Party gone …
SPLC-Prominent practitioner in the Leftist Hate Racket
UPDATE 3/27/19: Just another White-operated money-making scam using Blacks and their deliberately perpetuated victimhood as the come-on…currently $500 million’s worth. The grifting founder, Morris Dees, …
Cenk Uygur: the Young Turks and the Justice Democrats
Thuggish political chameleon/opportunist (former Reaganite, now Progressive-quite the leap), star of the YouTube SJW channel, the Young Turks. Formerly involved with the Justice Democrats (the …
Anti-Semitism goes mainstream! Ilhan Omar & Rashida Tlaib:
Those merry Muslim Congressional She-Devils
UPDATE 1/7/25: Ireland is shaming itself with even its archbishop foaming at the mouth at Israel, a blood libel with a charming brogue in …
The Life Of Julia (Salazar)-Latest Dem Icon of Self-ID Insanity
Identity Politics gone from bubble to boil. With the VERY strange case of Julia Salazar, the latest Ocasio-Cortez clone, the desperate, deranged Left has donned …
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, phony #PoorTooRican, latest Shakedown Queen.
UPDATE 2/7/21: With her fantasized near-death experience on Capitol Hill now a source of national hilarity, Drama Queen AOC comes out fully as THE post-modernist, …