
Permanent division, permanent civil war. Biden has served nicely as the banana peel clown distraction covering for the stupidest move ever made by the American electorate. 

UPDATE 1/3/25: Let’s DO dredge up the past, particularly Obama’s which is one of those mysteriously vague stories begging to be fully told, an integral piece of the puzzle explaining how we descended into the peak madness of the last four years.,


UPDATE 12/21/24: All truth-seekers applaud the proliferation of articles sighing as one in relief at fallen idol Obama and his vanishing influence, the end of his so-called “mystique.” 

 The brief, mercifully temporary deification of a fraud for the record books, matched only by the demented, nasty hologram specifically tapped to carry on the Big O’s Big Lie of “transformation.”

UPDATE 12/13/24: Few announcements could lift a weary heart more than those confidently proclaiming an end to the Obama myth/fantasy. When first saddled with him, we hopefully prophesized this Ozymandias’ exile to desolate obscurity.  Exceptionally glad tidings for this and all seasons. A lie dispelled, a fraud and accomplished social menace face down and forgotten in some God-forsaken wasteland. 

Let it be.

UPDATE 11/29/24: How can a legacy so corrupt and malevolent in its original intention (“fundamental transformation” ie permanent civil war) ever be considered “tarnished” as some have recently chosen to describe the waning of The Magic One/Sorta God?”

An overly generous appraisal of The Legacy. 

UPDATE 11/15/24: Most of us are not historians or learned political analysts. We simply want  to be left alone by paternalistic government. In the flush of post-Election euphoria, nothing lifts the spirits more powerfully than those well-considered, convincing, confident essays offering the long-realized dream that The Great Divider, The One, The Post-Racial President (who wasn’t), Sinister Architect of a New, Permanent American Civil War, Barack Hussein Obama is, simply put, over. 

That said and hopefully established in fact, perhaps America can bind up its extensive wounds and loss of confidence and resume its place as the beacon of hope and freedom for all mankind, especially for those of us who are lucky enough to be Americans.

Barackasaurus Transformicus, going the way of the dinos and dodos. 

UPDATE 10/23/24: Promoting the hopelessly empty Kamala, The One can’t help gloating indirectly over his true legacy of perpetual civil war in America. “I don’t understand how we got so toxic and just so divided and so bitter.” Well, we do, Barry Baby. The willfully ignorant half of the electorate will continue to swoon at his every word while reality records for posterity that this manufactured quantity was the Left’s all-time best shot at getting their Trojan Horse fully inside America’s gates.

For verification, scroll down this post, entry by entry, to the beginning (11/6/12) that starts with the still-relevant query, “Who is Barack Obama…Where does one start? How about…The 2008 Selling of Obama as the ubiquitous Wiser-than-Wise Black (in every soppy Hollywood film of the last 30 years), standing Above It All, or as Newsweek’s Evan Thomas (son of Socialist relic Norman) anointed Him  “…sorta God. He’s going to bring all different sides together.”

Funny how totally upside down and diametrically opposed to the truth Leftists present things.

UPDATE 10/12/24: Barack Obama, net worth reputedly approaching $100 million, finds himself on the outs with his considerably less affluent “brothers” in “the ‘hood,” lecturing them from the lofty perch of his rarified bubble world on exactly why they’re obliged to vote for the Kamaleon. According to His Royal Beigeness, they ain’t Black (and misogynists) if they don’t. Highest kudos to those clear-eyed Black men not taking the toxic bait. Perhaps one day the other 80% of “bruthas” & “sistahs” still huddling reflexively on the Dem plantation will catch on to the contempt their anointed slave masters like Barack and Kamala have for them.

Hubris and arrogance personified, a legend in his own mind and finally losing his hold on a growing number of awakening (unWoke) Blacks. 

UPDATE 9/24/24: Obama, proudly describing himself from the start as a noble “community organizer,” promised that his mission was to divide America, to “fundamentally transform” us from a UNITED States into a permanently seething civil war zone. Polarizing is what Saul Alinsky’s Marxist “community organizers” by definition do, and Alinskyite Barack has done it like no one else in our history. While Marx originally rooted such embedded dissension in economics and class, the haves vs. have-nots, Obama’s U.S.S.A dream is coming about thanks to Identity Politics, oppressor vs. victim, emphasizing division by race and gender. Who sees it more clearly than Tom Sowell?


UPDATE 9/6/24: If there’s any healthy shame and critical self-examination left in politics, Democrats can trace the rise of “a  vapid empty-pantsuit Kamala Harris teamed with military record fabricator and outright freak Tim Walz” to one Barack Obama, chief fomenter of permanent civil war via ID Politics.

UPDATE 8/14/24: Despite an unimpressive physical presence and a resume utterly devoid of positive accomplishment stretching all the way back to his murky college days, Obama by most accounts appears to be the Man Behind The Curtain. When Hillary (and the whole Obama agenda) were temporarily routed in 2016, he vowed “Never again!”; and by continuing to live in Washington (unlike ANY other former President within memory), one can only assume he is in on all major decisions regarding the Democrat Party and their steely determination to stay in power.


UPDATE 7/24/24: Using Kamala’s beloved Venn diagrams to ascertain the common element in all the current intrigue involving the Dems and their newly anointed 2024 candidate, the shared overlap is one Barack Obama and the “transformative” agenda he got rolling in his 8 years officially in office and the four subsequent years he has been the slick, dark figure behind the curtain.

UPDATE 7/4/24: However one assesses the long term consequences of the Leftist lurch in the recent UK elections, it’s not encouraging to hear that the new Prime Minister has been mentored by one former U.S. President with nary a single good intention or beneficial policy in his repertoire. Alas, Obama’s cold, clammy hand is everywhere.

UPDATE 6/22/24: We see in real time the chilling reality of Obama III as the Great Transformer leads his mannequin-like protege off the stage.


UPDATE 5/24/24: Biden’s recent commencement address to young Black college grads is vintage, regurgitated Obama, the message being to all Blacks young and old that they’re permanently helpless, ineffectual victims and that only he and his fellow Dem Mafiosi can fix it for them. Chilling to recall the expressed high hopes of those first conned by Barack back in 2008. Remember? The first “post-racial” President?

UPDATE 5/3/24: He remains a presence, a toxic, single-mindedly determined presence devoted to the ongoing disintegration of America that he promised and began in earnest with his magical “transformation.”

UPDATE 3/6/24: Obama’s unique, ongoing place as the Left’s Trojan Horse now way inside the city gates makes him not just a mere shadow but a dark, all-enveloping poison cloud. He is an open secret, a menace hiding in plain sight, and persistent illumination must continue, on him and the relentless progress of the promised “transformation” that is destroying us.

UPDATE 2/27/24: Are there really any serious doubts that Biden I is Obama III. Sadly, he has never gone away, and his poisonous transformation is ongoing. 


UPDATE 2/24/24: Obama cast a long, deep dark shadow on this country when he managed to divide us all into a nation of Whites and non-Whites, the antithesis of a healthily diversified yet United States of America. Rather than E Pluribus Unum, his Identity Politics has transformed our motto into E Uno Plura. We are well on our way to the disintegrated fate of those punished for building the Tower of Babel.

UPDATE 1/29/24: Trump’s inexplicable (to some) popularity is his proven determination to undo Obama’s Fundamental Transformation that has poisoned the American mainstream.

UPDATE 12/30/23: Barack Obama, Man Of The Year. After all, there are ways in which he is unrivalled in the mark he has made on our society. Honest, accurate history will certainly verify that, and God will make the final judgment.

UPDATE 12/18/23: What is viewed from these quarters as the evil Obama legacy of permanent civil war has us at the precipice. How can we survive when half the country agrees with Barack and thinks we’re rotten to the core and hardly worth saving? The answer is that the half affirming life and freedom as America has offered since its inception is fated to hold things together until the other half wakes up from its self-loathing and joins the cause of the living focused on a real future for all.

UPDATE 12/1/23: O what a legacy. One thinks of all our excited Lib friends back in 2008 heralding the dawn of a post-racial society. Yes, a Black man became POTUS, but it was definitely the wrong one.


UPDATE 11/14/23: This bad real life version of “The Manchurian Candidate” starring the so-called “post-racial” POTUS is supposed to end with a satisfying destruction of the evil characters. Going far beyond impersonating Angela Lansbury, Obama shows no sign of vacating the premises and abandoning “Transformation.” 

UPDATE 11/9/23: Among the itemized goals of Obama’s Third Term agenda, destruction of Israel has to be near the top. As for blaming all of us for 10/7 “complicity,” it’s just too easy to turn the mirror on this satanic prig and let him further out himself as an active agent of the Free World’s enemies.

UPDATE 11/2/23: Obama continues to stand out as the most destructive, disruptive force within memory ever to be granted power by the American electorate. Civil war within America has become a daily fact of life, and his obvious Muslim sympathies and loathing for Israel have enjoyed unambivalent expression from his first days in office thru the present.

Who is/was this guy?

UPDATE 10/11/23: Obama’s unhidden Muslim sympathies and his connection to Harvard/Hamas/AntiFa/BLM comprise a network of pure evil into which America voluntarily voted herself. So it goes with most tyrannies that gain power not through force but with the full cooperation of a free (and boundlessly foolish) electorate.

UPDATE 9/7/23: The importance of recent revelations suggested by a Tucker Carlson interview is not about Obama being gay but wholly about the lies and deception characterizing his entire presence on the American scene.  Who IS this person?

UPDATE 9/3/23: At the heart of what’s befallen our country politically is the Big Orwellian Lie, passing off very real totalitarian tyranny as “nice”  progressivism/liberalism/socialism.

So it has been with the candidates put forth by the Party of progressivism/liberalism/socialism, and none has been more covert, a bigger living lie than Barack Obama. As more continues to be revealed about this phantom personality, those attuned to truth and objective reality nod their heads in creeped-out recognition while those religiously possessed by their progressive/liberal/socialist faith dig deeper yet into total denial. Quite the opposite of the post-racial President he was sold as, his legacy is one of permanent civil war. He is America’s Trojan Horse, our Manchurian Candidate, and we are paying an increasingly terrible price for allowing him in.


UPDATE 8/31/23: The real significance of Tucker Carlson’s outing of Obama and his homosexuality is the depth of fraud and deception and startling opaqueness characterizing this mysterious character with no past dropped by major misfortune on America.

UPDATE 8/31/23: Are we the victims of a paranoid hoax, or is Michelle Obama really about to surface as The Next Big Thing?  But…but…she and her handlers always said she hated politics and the White House and would never, ever, ever consider running….she said…[God spare us.]

UPDATE 8/10/23: In American history, there has never been a more contrived legend than Obama, a blurred photograph revealing a vague human outline obscured by a mass of whited-out blank spots. One day, his mysteriously rapt fan base will be forced to admit this king had no clothes.

UPDATE 8/5/23: Nearly a decade out of office now, the toxic stench of Obama’s vacuous, wholly invented presence is not going away.

UPDATE 7/14/23: It has been a long time in the planning and making, but the calamitous election of Obama in 2008 has sent the dismantling of America into overdrive. Now in his third term as the man pulling pathetic puppet Joe’s strings, Barack is the Trojan horse voted in supposedly to herald a post-racial America but in fact has been the instigator of American Civil War II.

Just playin’ with a first draft. 

UPDATE 6/20/23: Time is showing us that Barach Obama is not only the worst thing that ever happened to American Blacks, but is, to be fully truthful, the worst thing American Blacks ever did and continue doing to themselves.

UPDATE 5/24/23: One ruefully recalls delusional liberal friends in 2008, exultant over the election of the first “post-racial” President,  knowing even then the consequences would be deadly for America. Who could predict how deadly and long-lasting  15 years on with a nation “fundamentally transformed” from an optimistic miracle of human freedom to a self-destructing society deliberately embroiled in permanent civil war.

UPDATE 5/9/23: Obama’s legacy is like an invasive, metastasized cancer poisonously entwined with the careers of his protegees and successors, specifically Hillary and Joe. 

UPDATE 4/23/23: Obama, himself a puppet attached to long strings, is puppet master to his hapless Veep, now three demented years into his blundering assault on America.

UPDATE 12/19/22: Filmmaker Joel Gilbert is convinced Michelle-Antoinette has her eye on the Top Spot and has studiously hidden that behind “Oh, I hate politics.” Are we to be cursed with these people again once Biden is shuffled off to the glue factory?

Oh no! America’s Forever First Lady! Please don’t go! [Please do, and make it for keeps.]

UPDATE 12/12/22: Like falling dominos, the Twitter Files suddenly exposes villainy on multiple allied fronts. That now includes the vile Michelle-Antoinette herself who decreed that her worst, most formidable political foe should be silenced on Twitter. She is simply the most prominent of that self-anointed Elite class who consider themselves royalty and the rest of us lowly peasants. This is the Transformation they promised: an America of the special few contemptuously lording absolute power over the faceless masses.

UPDATE 11/23/22: Newly published advice dispenser Michelle-Antoinette Obama, that wholly unattractive presence inspiring this hall of shame website including its name, should know she can’t have it both ways: complaining bitterly about her most extraordinarily privileged life while simultaneously demanding immunity from any criticism or the mildest call-out. This is a high-end hypocrite guilty of wanton abuse of the boundless influence, wealth and unmerited praise she has been handed. Gee, looking at this pampered fount of bitterness and bile, a new visitor to this planet must think it’s really tough to be a Black person in America. Poor baby, they must surely lament, with her tens of million$, multiple homes and blank check public platform used selfishly and irresponsibly in one big lifelong rant.


UPDATE 10/17/22: The One has great advice for his fellow Dems: don’t do any of the things I did if you want to win voter support. ID politics? Cancel culture? Trump Derangement Syndrome? Don’t do it, saith Sorta God who got us on this hellish road that we have to get off or go down for good.

UPDATE 9/14/22: The Obama Center in Chicago, now being built, is no longer called a Presidential “Library” because Presidential libraries are strictly limited in how large they can be, and who would dare build anything less than an eighth wonder of the world for Mr. “Sorta God?” The  unwieldy physical lay-out and its complete disharmony with its surroundings on Chicago’s South Side is destined to be an apt monument to a disastrous Presidency whose pure rot and long term malevolence becomes more obvious by the day.


UPDATE 8/26/22; Michelle in 2024? Really? Hard to believe.

UPDATE 5/27/22: Obama and Beto O’Rouke have taken the occasion of 21 people murdered in Texas to grandstand their personal favorite political points. They are quintessential Leftists, thriving on misery like a vampires on blood, letting no suffering go by that can’t be exploited for some self-serving purpose. What does it say about those who continue to consider them “leaders?”

UPDATE 5/1/22: As Saul Alinsky’ dedicated his book “Rules For Radicals” to the Devil, it makes sense one of his two most famous disciples (the other being Bill Clinton’s highly dislikeable wife) would use his influence to add an Orwellian Ministry of Truth to an already demonic legacy.  

UPDATE 4/9/22: Always the fearless hero of his own fictional saga, Barack retroactively rewrites history to portray himself presciently leading the world in the fight to eradicate the evil Putin.

UPDATE 3/24/22: He’s not POTUS officially, but all circumstances and Barack’s own stated hopes point to the presently ongoing curse of a third Obama term.

UPDATE 1/14/22: It’s bad enough processing the specter of Hillary’s return from the dead, but THIS?

Looking to knock over a bank or just stealing an election?

UPDATE 11/13/21: In that hopefully not-so-faraway time when truth prevails and the guilty pay, Barack’s delicate fingerprints will be all over the ongoing effort to destroy Trump and the MAGA movement threatening The One’s Transformation legacy.

UPDATE 8/11/21: Oh, that party. It’s just too easy comparing this shameless display with all those decadent Elites of history dining gluttonously on chocolate-covered lobsters and truffles as the masses starve. To borrow from leading Obamologist Jack Cashill’s newest book title, Deplorables need not apply. Will the real story of this manufactured wrecking ball ever be told?

UPDATE 6/23/21: As documented in his own words, The One describes his wet dream OBAMA III: having a puppet to which he can feed all the lines. He’d “be fine with that.”

UPDATE 6/12/21: Barack remains relevant and only worth of comment because he was the Trojan Horse that got the communists fully inside the gate and now simply sits quietly in his Kalorama cave and issues dark messages about CRT and the like to his foot soldiers. Among his latest little infusions of poison into the body politic is attributing this recent rash of anti-Semitism to Trump. Natch! What crime of his and his cabal isn’t projected onto Trump and his supporters?

UPDATE 6/3/21: As all realists knew even before the election was stolen, we’re living through Obama III, Completing Transformation, and Mr. “Sorta God” is very much present. For a brief summary of the main items on the JoeBama menu, click here.

UPDATE 11/15/20: The Obama legacy of a permanently divided America (ID Politics) shows up in his new memoir and vomited out of the nasty mouth of his high-living, profoundly unattractive spouse.

America’s pre-eminent grifting destroyers.

UPDATE 9/9/20: Given Biden’s obvious inability to put a clear sentence together on his own, let alone be America’s Commander-in-Chief, it’s becoming clearer and clearer that some long-planned surprise solution to “the Biden problem” is afoot. Although legally not able to be ELECTED a third time, is there anything in the Constitution (12th amendment) that says Obama couldn’t be Biden’s Vice President and assume office if the President couldn’t fulfill his duties? What if the ever-gracious Kamala decides to make way for the redoubtable Barack on the ticket come November 3, one could legitimately say, “Game On!” again for the Democrats. Let’s see: Kamala could be the new Attorney General…or Secretary Of State…or something big. In a word or two, Obama III for America, Operation Transformation achieved! Chilling thoughts, to say the least. But one must be prepared for ANYTHING from the Dems. Anything in pursuit of absolute power. Anything.

UPDATE 12/2/18: Himself, The One, The Pathetic scolds America for not thanking him for the Trump economy. “That was me, people….Say thank you!”

There are no words…which are too many to waste on America’s Biggest Boo-Boo.

Mirror Cracks-a-Mirror-67098[1]

UPDATE 8/4/18: Reassuring how swiftly Obama’s sinister “transformation” of America can be reversed with leadership grounded in objective reality and frank devotion to America as a Constitutional Republic of free individuals. Part of that objective reality is that there is a sizeable portion of the American electorate who will never give up the dream of Marxist collectivism…and their uncontrollable, murderous hatred of anyone opposing that fate.

UPDATE 6/30/18: News to the  American people. There was no election, no peaceful, civilized transfer of power in America in 2016. The annoying business of two term limits is all bunk…according to the former First Lady and her Messiah-like consort. Michelle is still First Lady, and Barack is still President. Really. Just ask them or any of their lackeys-in-exile.

UPDATE 5/29/18: Obama’s plan for an Alinskyized “world as it should be” is well underway judging by his proclamations directed at the young and impressionable. And a full-scale, global propaganda platform with Netflix that will also pay this champion of “income equality” 8 figure in capitalist dollars. That’s the way it works for lawless, corrupt anti-capitalists looking to live and rule over the rest of us Little People like kings.

King, Imperial-President[1]

UPDATE 4/25/17: Of course it’s too much to hope that Barack and his poison have been expelled from the body politic. Apparently, there are many with money who want it that way.

UPDATE 3/19/17: The shrouded mystery grows as Barack holes up in Tahiti for a month in luxury digs without his family. Who is this man?

UPDATE 1/19/17: Buh-bye…and sincere thanks! Yes, no sarcasm. Thanks! We owe you! It hasn’t been fun, but there is definitely a bright side.

UPDATE: 11/9/16 Although it’s nominally Hillaryism that  has been rejected and dumped, we’ve actually repudiated the Colossal Error that is/was/always will be Barack Obama.

You’re over, Bub, as are all the terrible, divisive, ugly things you stand for and have left in your foul wake. Let us count the ways. Something new is a-brewin’, and you’re now just about to become a permanently bad memory and cautionary tale for all future Americans who truly want to live in America The Exceptional. Barack, meet Ozymandias [see below]. The bulk of the article below was written in high hopes of being rid of you just before the 2012 election and to paraphrase my last rueful remark, “OK, it’ll be a slow exit, but once you’re gone, you’ll really be gone, not merely replaced.” So it’s only 4 years later. Some things are really worth waiting for.

UPDATE: 9/27/13 A fairly good, concise progress report of Barack’s plan for Fundamental Transformation of our lives: American foreign power diminished as he chats up the affable leader of Iran and oversees the implementation of ObamaCare’s tentacles over every American life. A stunningly Orwellian Success Story from the One “We” have all been waiting for; national suicide for the rest of us.

UPDATE April Fool’s Day, 2013: Barack Obama is the greatest president in the U.S. history. APRIL FOOL’S!!! Barack Obama is the greatest person who ever lived, greater than Jesus. APRIL FOOL’S!!! The catalogue of punchlines is depressingly long, and the joke is on us.

ORIGINAL POST 11/6/12: Who is Barack Obama? His handlers would prefer that no one knows. There’s power in mystery and inscrutability. Except that we do know. This is the age of the Internet and Talk Radio and Fox News. Thank God.

Where does one start? How about…The 2008 Selling of Obama as the ubiquitous Wiser-than-Wise Black (in every soppy Hollywood film of the last 30 years), standing Above It All, or as Newsweek’s Evan Thomas (son of Socialist relic Norman) annointed Him  “…sorta God. He’s going to bring all different sides together.”

Not quite. Barack Hussein Obama is a lifelong subversive, a terminal mediocrity, a bully and shakedown artist, and by elaborate design the most dangerously divisive figure in our political history. He is a craftily manufactured figurehead determined to drag America over the precipice into Marxist oblivion. Extreme words? Red hysteria? Rightwing claptrap? No, just an accurate description of the biggest con ever put over on the American public. There’s much to read and ponder, but just a few things tell the whole story: Obama’s Chicago background as a Saul Alinskyite Community Agitator, the frank declaration that “[the free market] doesn’t work, it has never worked” at Osawatomie, December 6, 2011…

… and then, oops, The Essential Obama, off the teleprompter, Roanoke, July 15, 2012, telling every individual one of us insignificants that we’re nothing without the paternalistic Collective currently godfathered by none other than Himself:

For inspiration, perhaps he drew from Redskin Soul Sister/Affirmative Action Opportunist Elizabeth Warren, shrieking some months earlier to a roomful of masochistic, guilt-ridden robots.

You, self-made entrepreneur, are nothing without Us, Your Superiors, The State. You, working single mother, carrying three jobs while trying to raise your children, are nothing without Us, Your Superiors, The State.

You, individual American, lawful creator and owner of your life, are nothing.

We own you. We The Collective are all.


Of course, when it’s time to take credit, The One trumps The Collective, particularly when it comes to important things that matter to voters:

A telling comparison between the endlessly maligned George W. Bush…and Himself:

One of these men knows from personal experience that all great achievements are the sum total of the cooperative skills and efforts of many people, that a free society thrives on millions of voluntary encounters, whether exchanging pocket change for a cup of coffee or the massive effort to bring an international criminal to justice.

The Other believes, or at the very least wants to make us believe, that It’s All About Me. Dubya gives credit where credit’s due, emphasizing others; the unfillably empty Obama can only devour the spotlight and madly chew the scenery.

How could such a dysfunctional creature ever understand free people and the things they routinely do, both together and alone? “You didn’t build that!” really means, “I wouldn’t know where to begin doing what you do…and you’re going to pay dearly for it.” He also means, “What’s yours is mine, and what’s mine is…mine.”

Obama unmasked: dime store demagogue, hopeless narcissist, teacher’s pet, center of the universe, The One, His Royal Highness, The Entitled, The Man Who Would Be King, annointed bearer and dispenser of salvation to millions at His discretion, “sorta God,”  pathetic, empty fraud, standard bearer of today’s corrupted Democratic Party.

“You didn’t build that!” is guilt-laced Jonestown Kool-Aid, and millions of us aren’t drinking. Political and economic freedom is our Adult Beverage of choice. It works. It has always worked.

Check out this timeless little epigram  of what free trade, free markets, capitalism powered and populated by countless millions of free people worldwide can accomplish without the help of Barack Obama, Elizabeth Warren and their moldy mob  of Marxist/Mafia scum.  Ours is the way the world works, not the Chicago Way.

You, Barack/Barry Soetero/Frank Marshall Davis Jr./Obama/whoever you are, will soon be history, hopefully now in 2012 or, God forbid, as late as 2016. [11/7/12. That’s ok. We’ll make it the most useless 4 years that you’ve ever suffered through in what has already been a thoroughly useless, decadent life.] All your calculated mystery and deception will be for naught, just the grist of a strange, sinister, cautionary tale for subsequent generations. Our best hope is that a growing majority of people will learn from their mistake of Believing in You: the fabled wolf in sheep’s clothing, the Trojan Horse, an idol with feet of clay, greedy seeker of power over others, destroyer of freedom, false prophet…We’re on to you, and the sorry fact is you can’t fool all of us all of the time. Our greatest president said that, a uniter, a figure for the ages, someone with whom you can only be contrasted, never compared. Unlike our Founding Fathers and towering figures like Lincoln and Reagan, you will only be a disturbing memory, America’s  Greatest Mistake, a serial imposter who omnipotently thought he could fool all of the people, all of the time. The bigger they are…and all that. You thought you were special. What an old story.

“Beware of false prophets [promising Hope & Change], which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”   Matthew 7:15

Wolf in sheep's clothing

I met a traveller from an antique land Who said: “Two vast and trunkless legs of stone

Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown

And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command…


Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,

The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed. And on the pedestal these words appear:

‘My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!’

Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,

The lone and level sands stretch far away”.

Percy Bysshe Shelley, “Ozymandias”

As if on providential cue, the Creator of the weather and everything else provides this parable of shifting sands and fallen idols, one week before the 2012 Democratic Convention.


And now, putting the Alinsky Way to good use:


Old Smoothie, always thinking of The Little Guy…


The One and His Beloved Bitter Half: Chicago or bust! Don’t let the door smack you two on the way out! [11/7/12: Ok, so it’ll be a slooooowww exit. The swinging door can get more than one shot at your sorry behinds. ]

Yeah, it's been real fun for us too.
Yeah, it’s been real fun for us too.

38 Replies to “Barack Obama:
Community Agitator, Marxist Godfather, Mediocrity”

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