The sniveling Brian Williams gets the honor of being the first new Michelle-Antoinette to join the Mob since the Socialized half of the American voting public gave us four more dreadful years of Obama Magic. Quoth Monsieur Williams: It’s time to shut down Conservative media voices that he doesn’t like. Hitler’s Goebbels couldn’t have expressed it more eloquently. His long history of blatant Liberal bias should have garnered him an original place among Michelle-Antoinette’s first entries, but it’s never too late to expose another prominent Obama lapdog in the media. Cool, with-it dude, in sympathy to Occupy Wall Street despite membership among the 1%’ers with a modest annual salary of $10-12 milion and an estimated net worth of $30 million.
UPDATE: 2/4/15 Brian’s resume has taken yet another upturn since fraud has become the norm in the shameless upper ranks of the MSM & DC. Gritty war correspondent, braving enemy fire in a helicopter over Iraq in 2003 , describing it all on Letterman with the implacable detachment of the Iron Man he clearly is…all lies…and then some. When Maureen Dowd and the rest of the omniscient NY Times cabal freeze you out (in hopes of covering their own mendacious complicity), you’re in very hot water.
And then there’s this personally creepy thing celebrating “with unmitigated joy” his actress daughter’s graphic sex scenes in fellow fabulist Lena Dunham’s HBO show. Father & daughter even have watched said scenes together! “Bonding” they call it nowadays. Is Ms.Magazine still around to celebrate this very NOW version of Father Of The Year?
Commander McBragg lives! Note repeated, insistent modesty. “Oh, don’t think any differently of me!” Just an “accidental tourist.” What a mensch. A modest Man’s Man. Love mention of his concerned family being spirited off to The Breakers in Palm Beach to soothe their vapors while Our Rugged Hero selflessly risks all in the Iraqi skies. No Motel Six for this crowd.
Low enough, my liege?
Laughter is the cruelest, most just punishment for one so inflated/over-rated. Be it stated across the land: Brian Williams is Middle America’s recipient of The National Joke Award, accepted on behalf of his laughably arrogant cohorts in the MSM.