UPDATE 1/27/25: Tim Walz, along with his cackling running mate, is already passing into blessed obscurity but remains a clownish reflection and reminder of just how dumb a good half of America got in the early 21st century. Among his trenchant observations these days is stating with absolute certainty that Elon’s heartfelt gesture of gratitude was “Heil, Hitler!” In Tim’s authoritative words, “…of course it was.”

Tampon Tim, a fond reminiscence, in full recollection and appreciation of “The Joy.”

UPDATE 12/14/24: One last time, serving only to reassure us that fate can be merciful, often doubly so considering what else came with this rancid package. 

We dodged a bullet of exploding, foul-smelling goo. Yuck.

Forever relieved of Mr. Happy Hands. Does not speak well of the state that elected him their governor. 

UPDATE 10 2/24: “Mr. Walz’s folksiness failed him in the debate. The night belonged to Mr. Vance.” William McGurn, WSJ

Mr. Walz’ folksiness failed him because he and his big-grin heartland backslapping act are as fake and palatable as plastic pancakes at a small town firehouse breakfast.

UPDATE 9/30/24:

The perfect choice for the Car Wreck Candidacy!  Make America A Junkyard! (MAAJ!)

UPDATE 9/20/24: The fact that Kamala is the incumbent Veep and our serious problems the hands-on legacy of a corrupt, incompetent Biden-Harris administration seems to be lost on much of the electorate, including even her clownish sidekick, “Tiananmen/Tampon” Tim Walz. Why else would he rant to potential voters in a Bethlehem PA speech that “we can’t afford four more years of this!!”  

UPDATE 9/1/24: If one needs assistance seeing Tim Walz as “human,” allow yourself the guilty pleasure of reading all about this HAPPY, JOYFUL WARRIOR and his love for corn dogs. “The epitome of the Midwest,” we are informed. It’ll take your mind off open borders, burned-down cities, a world unnecessarily (and tyrannically) locked-down for years by a bad flu, sky-high grocery & gas prices, dead hostages, Iranian/Russian/Chinese war games but not, alas, serial liars and frauds stinking up the halls of American politics. Like Joe’s ice cream cones, life is really just a bowl of cherries after all. Remember: when Tim Walz smiles, the whole world laughs AT us.

The only smile evoked by this picture is a pained one, the polite, head-nodding kind that comes from humoring a wildly babbling village conman reciting all the fascinating details of his life to anyone forced to listen.

UPDATE 8/29/24: Can you feel the joy!?!? Kamala’s Ugly Lug China Boytoy is proving to be a convenient distraction from the vast empty wasteland that is the giggly gal herself. 

Being Kamala’s clown is a step up from the “Minnesota Nice” guy who oversaw the closing down of private businesses and the firing of paintballs by police at people outdoors on their porches and other distinctly Tiananmen-like measures to enforce lockdowns in 2020. When not busy tyrannizing his own constituency in their businesses and neighborhoods, his passive inaction effectively cheered on rioters burning down Minneapolis with his equally loathsome wife and daughter.

Despite desperate calls from the Minneapolis mayor, he let it burn, the kid reassured the arsonists online that Dad would be doing nothing to stop them, and the wife just got high breathing in the smell. 

UPDATE 8/14/24: When it comes to displaying all the Far Left’s usual anti-Israel/anti-American/anti-Western sympathies, Regular Guy Tim hasn’t missed one. His latest affinity for “mostly peaceful” domestic terrorists on full display during the burning of Minneapolis is complemented by an affinity for Islamic terrorists as demonstrated by five “neighborly” occasions of hosting a Hitler & 10/7-praising Imam named Asad Zaman. What to call our lovable Dad Bod pal? Terrorist Tim? Tampon Tim?  Tiananmen Tim? Wuhan Walz? Stolen Valor Veep wannabe? The Nero Hero who fiddled while Minneapolis burned? Mostly Peaceful Tim!

This is a slinky unknown who’s been very busy compiling a hard Leftist career resume that’s led him to the seat of ultimate political power.

UPDATE 8/15/24: Watch this video of  Walz’ “best reactions to Kamala Harris’ speech” with the sound off. Then see if Charles’ Durning’s classic Texas Side-Step rings any bells.

UPDATE 8/14/24: Does everything decent have to be invented by these people? Even the all-American “football coach” shtick is showing some holes. 

UPDATE 8/12/24: The leader of the Minnesota State House (Republican) Minority recounts dispassionately the clearly non-existent pleasure of working with an entitled, contemptuous dictator/tyrant.

Good Neighbor Tim. In the wholesome, “Minnesota-nice” heartland, we’re supposed to be reassured hearing that “One person’s socialism is just another person’s neighborliness.” 

UPDATE 8/12/24: Jolly Good Fellow Tim is also the father & husband respectively to two women who apparently share his sympathy and affinity for violent rioters torching whole swaths of a major American city. It matters not at all that much of that property belonged to hard-working Black business people. Advancing the White supremacy and tyranny narrative is foremost in the minds of these self-consciously White, basically bad, self-serving Social Justice Warriors. Do voters care we’re being offered a whole family of them?


ORIGINAL POST 8/11/24: It’s all pretty clear when Wuhan Walz declares “One’s person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.” And, whatever’s yours is mine and whatever’s mine is mine. That’s the special deal granted those big-hearted saviors in totalitarian communist power like Tim & Kamala & Barack pushing through the Marxist dream, all for our own good of course. His 30+ junkets as a guest of the ChiComs have paid off well. 

The first of more than 30 such trips, a “tour guide-in-training” and a Manchurian Candidate in the making. They had no idea just what long term rewards might be reaped being “pretty friendly with China.”

Further burnishing his unabashed Leftist creds: a law he pushed through, the Trans-Refuge Bill allowing the State to take children away from parents objecting to a child’s wish to undergo “gender affirming care.”

Kamala & Co. are making no secret of their hardcore Leftist plans.

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