UPDATE 1/5/25: Jimmy Carter’s blatant, lifelong antisemitism is denied by those heavily invested in hailing his “decency” as demonstrated by the man’s grimly determined, post-Presidential campaign to offset a decidedly failed Presidency. He can take posthumous solace in not being the worst President in U.S. history, having lived long enough to witness Joe Biden. Fittingly, the latter has declared a National Day Of Mourning honoring the former, two rather dislikeable characters both raised to the pinnacle of American life on the false pretense of being “nice guys.” One more lingering lie as they both fade mercifully from memory.


UPDATE 1/3/25: Scraping barrel’s bottom, good ol’ Joe somehow manages to go yet deeper into the bilge by the day as the stinking manure pile legacy he leaves behind gets higher. These last few days of BrandonWorld will serve as the final assault by an administration memorable only for its ceaseless gaslighting of a nation. This has to include bestowal of high honors on several of the least admirable human beings on the planet (George Soros, Hillary Clinton, Liz Cheney….oh, and a host of convicted death-row killers granted clemency and a chance to live out their lives!), a fitting final toilet back-up capping the long, dismal saga of one very corrupt, ugly human being. For more about the worst President in U.S. history, simply read down this post, going back 15 years and put to rest forever the notion that this was ever a good man. He has been the perfect embodiment of an America morally turned upside down, hopefully soon to be righted. 


UPDATE 1/3/25: Jimmy Carter’s death challenges the deeply instilled reticence all well-mannered, self-controlled, decent individuals utilize for social survival. If there’s anything honest to say about him without shrieking like the TDS sufferers on the other side, it is that he was, second only to Joe Biden, America’s worst POTUS with whom the unctuous peanut farmer shared some undesirable history. 

The NY Times nicely glosses over Jimmy’s dramatic shortcomings by terming him “complicated” while a prominent, devoutly Catholic pundit charitably puts it, “He wasn’t a good President but tried to be.”

Looking very much the naggy, boring Sunday School teacher who’s lost control of his class. 

Jews should remember Carter’s blatantly false slander against Israel as an “apartheid” society  alongside great sympathy for the anti-Israel Palestinian cause, placing him firmly in the front ranks of modern antisemites. But isn’t that true of the entire modern Dem Party, still paradoxically attracting the majority of American Jewish voters? His betrayal of the Iranian Shah neatly gave the greenlight to international terrorism and a tyrannized Iranian people.  Sensibly, the American electorate rejected his stupid incompetence at handling the consequences of that betrayal and turned to Reagan. Recall the final insult dealt the hapless Jimmy when the Iranian hostages were released literally at the moment a strong, respected American presence was replacing him. 

Predictably, his slavish hagiographers will cite his role in brokering what has been hailed as a “peace deal” between Egypt and Israel in the late 70s, but honest Jews should remember Carter accurately for his “40 year smear campaign” against Israel. In substance, he was the natural precursor to the serial subversion of Israel by those Israel-hating Democrats who succeeded him: Clinton (including near-POTUS Hillary), Obama, Biden (and near-POTUS Kamala). The old story, too oft-repeated: reviling their friends, embracing their enemies.

Unsurprisingly, we can expect a week of tears and high praise for this rather fraudulent scold, including even a National Day of Mourning this coming Thursday, closing down America as if it was the passing of a hero for the ages or a long-reigning British monarch. In fact, he was an awful President and, using his undeserved moral authority after a disastrous tenure to champion all the wrong causes, was an even worse ex-President. 


CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)


FAUCI and the curse of the “EXPERTS”








UPDATE 1/3/25: Let’s DO dredge up the past, particularly Obama’s which is one of those mysteriously vague stories begging to be fully told, an integral piece of the puzzle explaining how we descended into the peak madness of the last four years.,




UPDATE 1/4/25: The enemy of my enemy is my friend.  Joe and Liz (and Dick!): all together at last!!! Leave it to DJT to provide unity!!!

Joe Biden, 2008 (start at 7:00):  “VP Cheney is probably the most dangerous Vice President in American history!” 

No, Dick disagrees. 

Dick Cheney, 2023: Trump is the most dangerous man in the history of the Republic!


UPDATE 1/3/25: As BrandonWorld and the wicked life of this necrotic Bond villain both draw to happy (for us) conclusions, we are treated to the final insult as this retired Nazi and pre-eminent hater of America is given the Presidential Medal of Freedom by one Joe Biden. No further words are necessary except for those stubbornly in denial of WHAT exactly a Joe Biden and a George Soros are.

Arrivederci, adios, so long, happy landings, buh-bye. 


SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act






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