UPDATE 1/7/25: Ireland is shaming itself with even its archbishop foaming at the mouth at Israel, a blood libel with a charming brogue in sympathy with “Palestinians.”
UPDATE 1/6/25: Antisemitism seems to go with the Woke American Left like soft butter to bread, perhaps most disturbingly coming from radicalized Blacks. From Black members of the U.S. Congress, we will continue suffer through diatribes that might as well be coming from the Whiter-Than-White Klan at its Jim Crow peak a century back.
Knowing the radically Left record of the Congressional Black Caucus, this shouldn’t come as a surprise. Totally unexpected in the last year is the mental meltdown of the once-admirable Candace Owens, now going overtime to seek out dirt on Israel and make anti-Zionism the centerpiece of her political podcast presence.
UPDATE 1/9/25: Wherever legally possible, Trump will reverse every one of Joe’s spiteful little turds dropped on us in these last few dying minutes of BrandonWorld. Check milk cartons for mention of one very nasty, demented old man, reported lost forever in his own delusions of importance. But hurry. By January 20, he’ll be a unlamented bit of regrettable history.
8 days and counting.
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
FAUCI and the curse of the “EXPERTS”
UPDATE 1/7/25: For some good, somewhat guilty laughs, revel in the YouTube comments section of Meghan Markle’s trailer launch of the utterly ridiculous “new” ME-ME-ME-ghan. The derisive shrieks of laughter generated by the Daring Doings Of A Delusional Duchess provide the benefits totally missing from anything this silly phony has or ever will “cook” up. This is relevant to the happy turn of our political/cultural fortunes as the general public is proving itself capable of recognizing total fraud when it sees it, in politics or in the gossipy pages of celebrity-watching.
One more magnificent face plant from the rich & famous Left.
UPDATE 1/8/25: See Californication.
UPDATE 1/8/25: The Prog Pope is mirroring his decrepit, dying counterpart in the White House by installing a Trump-hating cardinal right in D.C. Just asking: how has Catholic church attendance and collection plate revenues fared since the installation of St. Franny The Woke?
If one could only mind read…
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
UPDATE 1/7/25: Like Biden’s imminent and most welcome departure and in the grand tradition of The Big O and Leftist demagogues everywhere, Trudeau’s exit leaves a country at war within itself. Will people remember the next time the Left offers all sorts of the same suicidal, lying poison? He did his best to ruin the country, but hopefully the nasty little package has failed, and there’s a happier chapter ahead for Canada.
Elect a self-adoring, dumb version of the Joker and expect chaos and tyranny.