UPDATE 5/13/24: In Greta and those swarms of all-purpose, multi-generational Gaia-to-Gaza “activists” like her, we find encapsulated the entire sick story of our times and the unpleasant noise of empty, insignificant little tyrants grasping futilely for significance. This also includes Jane Fonda and her geriatric contemporaries clinging desperately to their long-gone radical glory days.

Absolutely no Palestinians were oppressed and not a speck of carbon was produced in the construction of this train and preparation of this meal…except…well…


UPDATE 5/14/24: The actress Mila Kunis grew up Jewish in the Ukraine prior to the fall of the U.S.S.R., and her grandparents were Holocaust survivors. In the video below, she wisely sings the praises of America and its blessings in obvious, stark comparison to the totalitarian societies in which she and her family suffered. Sadly, being a product of present-day Hollywood, she feels compelled to support the Democrat Party, its causes and its candidates doing their utmost to turn America into the hellholes her firsthand experiences have taught her to despise.

From her Wikipedia page:  “Kunis is a supporter of the Democratic Party.[211] In a 2012 interview, she criticized the Republican Party, saying: “The way that Republicans attack women is so offensive to me. And the way they talk about religion is offensive. I may not be a practicing Jew, but why do we gotta talk about Jesus all the time?”[170] In 2017, Kunis disclosed that she had been making monthly donations to Planned Parenthood in Mike Pence‘s name.”


UPDATE 5/14/24: As with all democratically elected tyrants, it’s not the one madman who’s the problem but the deranged public that gives him power. The tyrant-of-the-week is Justin Trudeau, and we marvel at the short-sightedness of the Canadian electorate,  condemning themselves to the cage the Little Prince is building around them.



UPDATE 5/15/24: There you have it again before your eyes: Joe Biden is not a nice guy/good family man/decent human being, nor has he ever been.

The guy “with a heart” as Hillary and other reliable sources have claimed: checking his watch as the dozen dead soldiers from Afghanistan inconveniently arrive when he apparently has other pressing things to do.


CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)


FAUCI and the curse of the “EXPERTS”











SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act



UPDATE 5/17/24: Image is everything to figures in show business and politics. In Elizabeth Warren’s case, her entire rise started with a fake claim of “minority” (Native American) status to gain entry to Harvard. Then not unlike a Mafia Don, she became rich, powerful & privileged as representative spokesperson for the Little Guy in the corridors of power. This career path has worked wonders for countless hustlers, authentically boasting minority status like the Obamas, Sharpton, Jackson and those other ne’er-do-wells of the Black Congressional Congress.  Over time, such grifters remain firmly entrenched in their positions of power by shaking down mountains of DC money and power to be doled out in regular dribs & drabs to those voters sponging off the Fed as a way of life. Naturally, being perceived as champions of the disenfranchised and poor, railing against the rich about paying “their fair share,” these newly created multi-millionaires are immune from any scrutiny regarding their own shameless corruption, greed and hypocrisy regarding their own lavish lifestyles and personal fortunes acquired by skimming off the Big State largesse. Think of such salt-of-the-earth Common Folk like the Clintons or John Kerry. For that matter, think of Lunch Bucket Joe, mysteriously awash in million$ and multiple mansions. As Harry Truman observed, “You can’t get rich in politics unless you’re a crook.” 

Lately, The Fake Indian has been quietly running interference for the FDIC Chairman, a personal pal currently in serious hot water for the very corruption at the Federal agency she has routinely railed against. Should we be surprised?

What?! A fraud?! Who? ME?!!


UPDATE 5/14/24: Hanoi Jane is just helpless promoting herself as some sort of heroine when she is in fact a perpetual embarrassment to herself. Most recently, this heavily botoxed octogenarian tumbling ass-over-tea-kettle toward 90 has been burning up with envy for Greta Thunberg’s saintly status as the Left’s Climate Change cover girl. Like any of these sadly visible camera whores, she gets away with it thanks to being good press copy. Admittedly, here I am writing about her, but not in praise or admiration. Equally unimpressed with her wonderfulness are some Vietnamese lawmakers making a fuss over L.A. County’s recent declaration of Jane Fonda Day. “But why?” asks no one of even the most minute awareness and decency.

Lest she forget the fun she had with the Viet Cong…not to mention her all-time most memorable  quote: “If you understood what communism was, you would hope, you would pray on your knees that we would some day become communist. . . .I, a socialist, think that we should strive toward a socialist society, all the way to communism.” 100 million corpses and counting, Jane. Or hadn’t you heard?


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