UPDATE 11/26/24: Rob Reiner, formerly Archie Bunker’s meathead son-in-law-turned-major-Tinseltown-director and severe TDS sufferer, has checked himself into a “wellness facility” to handle “things.” He, Barbra, Ellen, Sharon, Alec and all their insanely rich & famous pals under special duress these days need to start an AA-type of support system offering daily meetings to vent…or they could make regular pilgrimages to remote places like Lake Michigan and just scream.
In a word…
UPDATE 11/27/24: Pitiful, demented, infinitesimally small Joe Biden is determined to leave Israel and the Middle East in shambles, get more Ukrainians and Russians killed, the final glorious touches to the worst Presidential tenure within memory. It would be giving him too much credit to believe this cretin could think through and hatch an orderly plan to destroy anything thoroughly. It’s more likely an affirmation of Obama’s assessment of Joe’s overriding talent “to f–k things up.”
The Brandon legacy.
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
UPDATE 11/29/24: Hillary, 2028, the thing that still won’t leave, nevah, nevah, nevah. Note absence of exclamation points.
Still dreaming of that glorious comeback. The first book, the fifth book, the umpteenth book…still the same Grand Finale.
FAUCI and the curse of the “EXPERTS”
UPDATE 11/26/24: Oh, right. That’s it! If only the MSM hadn’t asked her dumb questions like the ones the better ones DID ask: like about the economy, jobs, gas/grocery prices, the border, Israel/Hamas. It’s so glaringly obvious the answers she did offer up were totally illuminating and substantive like “…love the American people, their ambitions, their aspirations, the dreams unburdened by what has been, haven’t been to Europe….and all in a veritable rainbow of regional/ethnic accents! And then that goofy “power” video for her supporters…
No question: the Dems MUST run her again as their candidate. Kamala, 2028!!!!
And to think I always thought these DC/Hollywood people all really, really loved one another.
UPDATE 11/29/24: How can a legacy so corrupt and malevolent in its original intention (“fundamental transformation” ie permanent civil war) ever be considered “tarnished” as some have recently chosen to describe the waning of The Magic One/Sorta God?”
An overly generous appraisal of The Legacy.
UPDATE 11/26/24: The Wokest Pope ever has now gone yet deeper down the well to hell taking sides against Israel in its war on its mortal enemies. In a world that seems quite ready to discard both politicized theology and science, there should be little mourning and much relief when this Pontiff passes on.
Delighting the Left, betraying humanity.