UPDATE 10/5/24: Candace Owen’s mad (in both senses) spiral down into inexplicable antisemitism is sad and disappointing to witness. This is a far cry from what has been an admirable rise to prominence (see original post, 8/29/20).
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
FAUCI and the curse of the “EXPERTS”
UPDATE 10/3/24: Despite fake appearances of “moderation,” both The Kackler & The Klown could be considered Manchurian candidates, deep Red on the inside judging by their well-documented public statements and lifelong attachment to Marxist doctrine.
We get it, Adolf.
What has beneficially been, fatally burdened by what she promises to be.
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
UPDATE 10 2/24: “Mr. Walz’s folksiness failed him in the debate. The night belonged to Mr. Vance.” William McGurn, WSJ
Mr. Walz’ folksiness failed him because he and his big-grin heartland backslapping act are as fake and palatable as plastic pancakes at a small town firehouse breakfast.
UPDATE 9/30/24:
The perfect choice for the Car Wreck Candidacy! Make America A Junkyard! (MAAJ!)