UPDATE 7/25/24: Lest anyone misunderstand or forget: Biden never was/is/will be a “nice guy.”
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
FAUCI and the curse of the “EXPERTS”
UPDATE 7/23/24: Booting Biden and Koronating Kamala with wet manure mountains of phony hoopla is certainly not based on her electability. Her well-documented stances are to the Left of Bernie. It’s also impossible to hide this is a clownish clod, widely loathed (particularly by former employees) and deservedly an object of jeering contempt even for members of her own Party. The Dems are not about to chance a certain landslide for Trump, making this virtually effected Kamala Kanonization an act of political suicide. Or is it? Jaded souls smell a big, fat, dead rat, and we should be on high alert for something sinister secretly brewing in the works.
UPDATE 7/24/24: Using Kamala’s beloved Venn diagrams to ascertain the common element in all the current intrigue involving the Dems and their newly anointed 2024 candidate, the shared overlap is one Barack Obama and the “transformative” agenda he got rolling in his 8 years officially in office and the four subsequent years he has been the slick, dark figure behind the curtain.
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
UPDATE 7/25/24: The latest gaslighting mantra from the Left is that the American public is being kept in the dark about Trump’s medical records surrounding the shooting (…or should we say, for their sakes, “alleged” shooting?) Rich stuff coming from those who’ve pretended for years that their fake POTUS was “sharp as a tack” and at the height of his magnificent powers.
The latest example is BrandonWorld’s lapdog FBI director Wray’s floating the absurd notion that Trump may not have been hit by a bullet. This is somewhat less than reassuring, coming from the head of the agency that historically has existed to protect America from subversion. Now the FBI itself is a mouthpiece of subversion. One more bit of projection and outright deception from the people claiming the Trump/MAGA movement challenging their tyrannical ways is out to destroy “democracy.” Mendacity and corruption at the highest levels.