UPDATE 2/23/24: TROUBLED, a recently published memoir about coming up the hard way, coins the insightful term “luxury beliefs,” proletarian views publicly held by the rich and/or famous while privately enjoying the elitist lifestyles of capitalist fat cats.
Such is the case of one recently deceased Progressive Norwegian, a prominent globalist who lived high on capitalism while working all his life to deny its benefits to the entire world.
UPDATE 2/23/24: A recently released hagiography video about folksinger/political activist Joan Baez lays bare an entire life and career image based on hypocrisy. “My relationship with money has been sketchy,” she says. “I gave much of it away.” But not so much that she doesn’t continue to live like royalty, cushioned from any criticism by utopian “luxury beliefs” that still include an end to national borders, capitalism, all military forces, fossil fuels ( of course!) without all of which she and most of the rest of us would be living in impoverished squalor and obscurity or not living at all.
Taking nothing away from her great musical talent, Baez comes off in her final years as one more New Age Left Coast navel gazer unwilling and/or incapable of accepting life as it actually is rather than as her fanatic Quaker/Gandhian ideology dictates it should be…but never can be. Everyone longs for a better world, devoid of violence, but brutal, objective reality has proven that “good men [such as rich, famous folksingers and the rest of us regular Joes & Janes] sleep peaceably in their beds because rough men stand ready to do violence [against evil] on their behalf.”
UPDATE 2/20/24; How long must the charade continue: a pathological, serial liar, now degenerated into a physical/mental wreck pretending to be POTUS? Do the Democrats really still think he’s their best bet to fend off the return of THE DONALD?
Still as entrancing as he was in 2020.
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
FAUCI and the curse of the “EXPERTS”
UPDATE 2/24/24: Obama cast a long, deep dark shadow on this country when he managed to divide us all into a nation of Whites and non-Whites, the antithesis of a healthily diversified yet United States of America. Rather than E Pluribus Unum, his Identity Politics has transformed our motto into E Uno Plura. We are well on our way to the disintegrated fate of those punished for building the Tower of Babel.