UPDATE 2/14/24: A mediocrity of Joe Biden’s diminutive moral dimensions is more than happy to have his glory moment, reaping the benefits of being a cooperative puppet to those intent on de-stabilizing and controlling a formerly free world. His imminent expiration date will soon make him and his corruption one more curiosity of historians. If memory of him is accurate, the Biden legacy might serve as strong warning to those inclined to confer power on his serial-lying, sociopathic imitators of the future.
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
FAUCI and the curse of the “EXPERTS”
UPDATE 2/15/24: We’ve been given more than fair warning about experts and highly touted authorities by the shameful Fauci episode of recent history. One hopes those of the future might have better judgment regarding who deserves respect and a hearing and, more importantly, who doesn’t.
UPDATE 2/15/24: Obama has proven to be the Trojan Horse now well within the gates, implementing directly and through proxies the Obama Doctrine of totalitarian transformation. It has many aspects, but the one common thread is extinction of individual freedom to be replaced by global control of the many by the chosen few.
The egomaniacal totalitarian looking down upon the helpless little people he feels destined and privileged to control.
UPDATE 2/16/24: Soros’ tentacles are now reaching into media control through the purchase of Audacy, the second largest radio chain in the country. This is a monster on a mission to destroy all healthy life within reach, and he has the money, business acumen and political sophistication to implement such a plan, however long it takes.