UPDATE 12/17/23: The pants-down exposure of Harvard that has come of the Congressional grilling of its President only begins to display the antisemitic haven our most prestigious university has become over time. How have they gotten away with campus “affinity groups” allying the predictable Woke factions (colored races, members of the off-center gender spectrum) that specifically excludes Jews?
Supposedly a “joke.” Jews need not apply. Coloreds ok. Ha Ha. What a coincidence that it reads like a holiday party invitation just sent out by Boston’s Mayor!
UPDATE 12/19/23: Even with every living person on earth privy to the depraved contents of Number One Son’s computer, will justice ever be served and the head of the Biden Crime Family be indicted for criminal activities that would put the smallest-time crook in the poorhouse and jail? Meanwhile, the all-out railroading and persecution of the Trump family proceeds without interruption.
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
FAUCI and the curse of the “EXPERTS”
UPDATE 12/18/23: What is viewed from these quarters as the evil Obama legacy of permanent civil war has us at the precipice. How can we survive when half the country agrees with Barack and thinks we’re rotten to the core and hardly worth saving? The answer is that the half affirming life and freedom as America has offered since its inception is fated to hold things together until the other half wakes up from its self-loathing and joins the cause of the living focused on a real future for all.
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
UPDATE 12/18/23: Paul Krugman continues to demonstrate how a Nobel Prize, a secure pulpit at the NY Times and general acclaim by Leftists as an economics genius amount to less than nothing when the man opens his mouth and routinely spouts meaningless nonsense and outright fables.