UPDATE 7/3/24: The visible resurgence of antisemitism naturally goes with the territory of hating healthy, productive life, mustering every desperate impulse to destroy it, a perfect fit for the Left, past, present & future.
Even (or perhaps especially) ignorant young Jews are all in for the old blood libel.
UPDATE 7/4/24: Oh, ha ha ha. LMAO. Responding to a question about his compromised health, Mr. Sharp-As-A-Tack answers, “Just my brain.”
Those daring to express a rolling-eyed tongue-in-cheek Toldya So response are advised by PA Dem Governor Shapiro to “lighten up!” Of course, Joe was only kidding. He is, after all…oh…to come up with a new way of waying it….um…oh yeah, Sharp As A Tack!
UPDATE 7/3/24: The Gaza delivery dock provides a perfect metaphor for the Biden Presidency, and not just since the debate disaster: flimsy, poor quality, washed up, washed away.
UPDATE 7/3/24: No, it’s not “selective editing” or “a cold” or an isolated “bad night. It’s a nasty, senile corruptocrat exposed without filters for what he is: just the low-talent, amoral hustler he’s always been, now in the last stages of decay.
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
FAUCI and the curse of the “EXPERTS”
UPDATE 7/4/24: The unbelievable, the astonishing, the unthinkable have become norms to deal with since guilt-ridden America’s decision to welcome Trojan Horse Barack into fortress America. Equally jaw-dropping, there is talk of Kacklin’ Kamala not only serving out Joe’s term as VP but actually emerging as a favorite to replace him in the top job.
Naw, Americans aren’t THAT zoned-out, are they? ARE THEY?!
UPDATE 7/4/24: However one assesses the long term consequences of the Leftist lurch in the recent UK elections, it’s not encouraging to hear that the new Prime Minister has been mentored by one former U.S. President with nary a single good intention or beneficial policy in his repertoire. Alas, Obama’s cold, clammy hand is everywhere.