CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
FAUCI and the curse of the “EXPERTS”
UPDATE 10/25/23: The competition is fierce, but John Kerry, by dint of perhaps the longest history of unrelenting treachery of all candidates, has topped the list of 10 Most Destructive Americans.
His latest bit of serious malfeasance is getting the world to the fantasy Net Zero carbon emissions, destroying free market capitalism and, while he’s at it, the entire agriculture industry. But no nourishing bugs or carbon-free bicycles for Jean Fraud. He lives the ultra-privileged life of a jet-setting gigolo to a billionairess, singlehandedly leaving a carbon footprint the size of his grandiose self-image. all to “get the job done.”
Reporting for duty! His assignment? Destroy free life for everyone but himself and a few of his cronies.
UPDATE 10/23/23: A fascinating statement from Liz Cheney declaring Trump “the single most dangerous threat” to America. No, not a wide open border letting in millions of unvetted foreigners including a veritable army of terrorists (that Trump was well on the way to controlling on a permanent basis via The Wall). No, not wild inflation (skyrocketing cost of living since the stolen election, 2020 ) devaluing everyone’s wealth and purchasing power . No, not Biden’s canceled tax breaks and minimal regulation for business here that would repatriate jobs and productivity from abroad (that Trump made happen almost immediately during his Presidency). No, not a nuclear Iran (and its financed Hamas thugs) or an emboldened Red China seeing flashing green lights with the absence of any deterrence from America (that most definitely was and will be there with Trump’s presence).
So far, monomaniacally blinded by hatred and jealousy of Trump’s success in keeping conservative promises, she’s neglected to echo Obama’s steady drumbeat of “Climate Emergency” as the “greatest threat” that should be keeping us up at night.
No, saith Liz. Donald is The Problem. Perhaps, just maybe, quite possibly, is she suggesting that our only hope for survival is a Liz Cheney Presidency?