UPDATE 7/13/22: Green tyranny supersedes almost all other tyranny these days. Their policies are the Revealed Word and no matter to them the total destruction wrought by carrying out their holy crusade. Sri Lanka is currently begging the world for the basic sustenance it used to produce for itself in pre-Green days. Canada is not far behind, surely to be mimicked by American Blue State tyrants excited by the sense of power such asphyxiating controls generate in them.
UPDATE 7/13/22: VDH has come around to seeing power-mad Leftists/Globalists/Progs as this site sees them: a pampered Michelle-Antoinette elite detached from a suffering world while determined to control it in all aspects.
UPDATE 7/14/22: In these video clips of an earlier incarnation of Joe Biden, we are awakened to what a man of firm principle he is.
UPDATE 7/13/22: Dr. Jill high-fives some little brown-skinned Texas tacos with the word “Hola!,” probably pronouncing it “HOLE-AH!” Her candid spin would be “I mistakenly thought I was greeting some big-nosed, money-grubbing Jews in the crowd with the sort of carbohydrate lunch material that makes THEM unique: “CHALLAH!”

CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
UPDATE /16/22: In the post-Fauci/Expert world, being a “scientist” no longer means anything. Talking truth will never lose its clout, but nowadays, in the minds of a skeptical public, truth and science have become two parallel lines that no longer intersect.

UPDATE 7/13/22: RINOs like Cheney have outed themselves as being fundamentally hostile to conservative principles and dedicated only to power and position. It’s all vicious reaction to Trump’s effectiveness in accomplishing those things real conservatives want for themselves and their country. Unprincipled fools that they are, Repub turncoats will find themselves sorely disappointed expecting power as Lizzie-Come-Lately Dems.
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
UPDATE 7/15/22: As mentioned last week, the fake Indian no longer hides the Left’s lie about “choice” and is going full-speed ahead to shut down any counseling centers for pregnant women seeking other options than killing their unborn children.
UPDATE 7/14/22: No surprise that the reported kidnap plot of this most undesirable of hostages was almost certainly her own concoction, assisted by the FBI.