UPDATE 4/21/23: Wake up, America. He’s not the first bad actor in the White House, but he’s probably the worst.
UPDATE 4/20/23: Referring to these lowlifes as a “Crime Family” takes on new meaning as the number of Biden beneficiaries of this gigantic grift now reaches 9.
He’s like an incontinent brat in a candy store looting while relieving himself on the floor. The latest rampage is a promised veto for a measure limiting women’s sports to women (real adult females). And don’t bother looking for the Supreme Court to offer common sense and reality to the insanity.
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
FAUCI and the curse of the “EXPERTS”
UPDATE 4/23/23: Obama, himself a puppet attached to long strings, is puppet master to his hapless Veep, now three demented years into his blundering assault on America.
UPDATE 4/22/23: We expect no less from Bill & Barack to make a self-congratulatory display of “humanitarianism” on behalf of Afghanis that their political successor has turned into desperate refugees. But Dubya? The “kinder, gentler” bit dies hard for those who voted for him and his father, hoping for American common sense and realism, not empty virtue-signaling.
Anything to be loved.