UPDATE 10/4/23: If ever there was blatant projection of one’s own weaknesses and sins, Mark Milley’s valedictory marinated in Trump hate is it. His two major claims to fame are his incomparably disastrous departure from Afghanistan and secretly promising his ChiCom counterparts that he would notify them of any plan for attack ordered by the Commander-in-Chief he despises. He would indeed, in times gone by, be considered a traitor bound for the gallows. These days he’s just a dime-a-dozen, cardboard cut-out tool of the Democrat/Deep State, a sad loser soon to be easily forgotten.
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
UPDATE 10/2/23: She’s not baaaaack; she’s The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave, and we remain all the poorer for it as we and all decent Americans have been for the 30+ long years she’s blighted the international scene. Her latest public upchucks are a)suggesting “formal deprogramming of the cult members” (aka Trump supporters); and b)jumping on the Ukrainian gravy train, raising more of those noble “Clinton Initiative” dollars on behalf of war-torn victims that will somehow find their way into her bank account and into the pockets of her high-living, partying staff, employed only to provide a facade to what is a Potemkin village charity and a slush fund for America’s First Family Of Grift. Alas, we must continue to suffer her presence.
Wildly inflated appraisal.
FAUCI and the curse of the “EXPERTS”
UPDATE 10/4/23: Like Hillary, he’s not a relic of the past but another lingering, infected open sore that won’t heal.
It’s always too easy invoking Adolf and Nazis, but if the shoe fits….
UPDATE 10/4/23: It’s disturbing to see dissension within the GOP ranks, and some claim it will hurt Trump. More accurately, it is the lack of Republican resolve that hurts Trump and those Americans fully supporting him. The reasons for removing McCarthy as House Speaker pinpoint the damage done by those RINOs in Washington threatened by The Donald as much or more than the Democrats. Posing as “conservatives,” they are heavily invested in making compromising deals with those across the aisle in exchange for maintaining the power they share with their Democrat counterparts. This is a status quo which Trump has mercifully upended, and there will be no peace until a full-scale revolution in American politics is waged and won.