Now sent packing by a British electorate coming to its senses, Jeremy Corbyn is the British embodiment of our own anti-Semitic, Marxist Democratic Party gone …
The Wimp as Social Justice Warrior: The Tyranny of the Weakest Family Member
In line with GB Shaw’s observation that a family is a tyranny ruled over by its weakest member, we are now compelled by law to …
Liberal Mantra: NIMBY-Not In My Back Yard
UPDATE 9/17/22: For the latest in White Liberal panic over getting a taste of the bad medicine they’ve prescribed for people and places they …
Greta “The Grinch” Thunberg
UPDATE 5/13/24: In Greta and those swarms of all-purpose, multi-generational Gaia-to-Gaza “activists” like her, we find encapsulated the entire sick story of our times and …
Meghan Markle, Dimwit Dem Duchess
The Prince & The Plotter
UPDATE 1/16/25: Harry & Meghan have proven themselves useful for only one thing: putting a pair of instantly recognizable, vacant faces to the dumb, …
Bette Midler: No longer Divine or even mildly funny. Just one more heavily bubble-wrapped celebrity.
UPDATE 12/10/21: It’s been said with some accuracy that politics are just downstream of culture, presently evidenced by recent Kennedy Center honorees unable to contain …
Chris Cuomo: If crazed=caring, CNN has its own on-air saint.
UPDATE 5/3/20: Little Fredo gets caught disregarding quarantine while simultaneously lecturing The Little People on STAYING AT HOME! Seems he also has a little masculinity …
RINOS-Romney (Updated to Cheney/Haley): With McCain gone, now the ugliest RINO.
UPDATE 1/4/25: The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Joe and Liz (and Dick!): all together at last!!! Leave it to DJT …
The Doxxer
13. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.“ Invoking the satanic Herr Alinsky’s 13th Rule For Radicals and banking on scads of …