A pair of silly old 60s Rocker coots rhapsodizing with Keith Olbermann about “The People” and taking to “The [Wall]Street” to topple the evil One …
Spike Lee
Do The Right Thing and give us one of your race-hustling, sullen, Stick-It-To-Whitey-While-Collecting-The-Big-Paycheck-And-All-The-Perks-Of-Celebrity looks, Spike. A rich Socialist not above raking in (and spending) those capitalist …
Russell Simmons
UPDATE 1/9/18: Now a dark-side target of the #MeToo Vengeance Brigade, the RapCrap King graciously decides to lay low and hope things blow over. Or, as he …
Occupy Wall Street/Obama Zombies-
Youthful (and Useful) Idiot Brigade
The most recent instance of using the impressionable young for political purposes. Of particular fascination is the enthusiasm with which so many older (formerly Youthful) rich Leftists have …
Jesse Jackson, Jr.
We are Fam-i-ly! The wages of nepotism, movin’ on up the easy way, then crashing & burning
Dan Savage
Proudly putrid Acid Queen enthusiastically adopted by Obama administration to force-feed the Leftist gay political agenda under the mendacious anti-bullying banner: “It Gets Better.” Predictably, the real, unmasked face …
Michael Moore
UPDATE 10/14/24: He’s still the odious Michael Moore, anti-capitalist Capitalist Grifter Supreme, astonishingly explaining why the real working man/blue collar/union member/underdog will gladly vote for Trump. …