UPDATE 11/4/16: Lynch now the scrutinized Lynchpin covering up and blocking investigation into the elaborate Clinton crime web involving Hillary’s illegal private server which was installed to hide …
Eric Holder, Attorney General: Legalizing Corruption
Remember when revolutionaries like Bill Ayres and the rest of the 60s gang decried “The System?” Remember when policemen were “pigs?” The law was something to be broken, on principle. Times have changed.
Thomas Perez
And now, straight from the “the Hugo Chavez-wing of the Democrat Party…”
Penny Pritzker
of THE Chicago Pritzkers,
Commerce Secretary-In-Waiting
Yet another super-duper-rich Obama crony bound for DC and cabinethood.
Ramsey Clark, former LBJ Attorney General
One of the most Useful Idiots within babyboomer memory. There has been no leftwing, anti-American, wholly self-hating cause for which Johnson’s Attorney General has not been passionate.
Colin Powell, Fmr. Secretary of State
Desperately wanting to fit in and undoubtedly uncomfortable with his status of “House Negro” in the compassionate eyes of Harry Belafonte and Al Sharpton…
Ken Salazar, Secretary of the Interior
The bolo tie, the cowboy shirt and hat bring a folksy Old Hollywood West touch to Obama’s Italian Men’s Social Club. There’s Long Green gold in them Enviro-Green hills. There’s also the “ghastly green goo” of Salazar’s plan for federal bureaucratic control of water rights nationwide through the fresh-sounding National Blueways program.
Bill Richardson-
Former NM Governor & Commerce Secretary
Busy, busy Bill and sinister Google Guy Eric Schmidt choose hospitable North Korea for their latest random Act of Goodness.
Madeline Albright-(Fmr.) Secretary of State
UPDATE 7/9/18: Mad Hatter Aunt Mad shrieks out every STOOOPID platitudinous insult against Sistah Friend Hillary’s Worst Nightmare and pretends to be wiser than …