From the archives, one of the most Useful Idiots within baby boomer memory. There has been no leftwing, anti-American, wholly toxic cause for which Johnson’s Attorney General has not been passionate. Our kinda guy. Never met a terrorist he didn’t like: Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, left, shakes hands with Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh.

Muslim terrorist? Hate America? Loathe western civilization? Want to kill a few Anglos and Jews? Call Ramsey at 1-800-Not-Limited-To- Communist-Tyrants-And-Cutthroats (extra long international number). Busy, busy, busy. Wherever people might hate the West and Western ways, our Ramsey is Johnny-On-The-Spot to provide encouragement and legal assistance. No benign victim of American imperialist aggression escapes his sympathy and active support.

A perfect, heart-tugging photo-op for someone who doesn’t so much love the poor as he hates the rich, white America in particular. Whatever the story is here for this obviously wretched man, be certain: it’s America’s fault.