Although relegated to the goofball category from a virtual litany of predictable gaffes, there’s no ignoring that this “buffoon” is one breath away from the Presidency.
Mark Kelly
(Mr. Gabrielle Giffords)-
Pontificating Hypocrite,
Political Hopeful
Mark Kelly, Mr. Gabrielle Giffords, buying an assault rifle. Delicious. No doubt hoping to ride the hot button issue surrounding his wife’s tragedy to political office.
Thomas Perez
And now, straight from the “the Hugo Chavez-wing of the Democrat Party…”
Penny Pritzker
of THE Chicago Pritzkers,
Commerce Secretary-In-Waiting
Yet another super-duper-rich Obama crony bound for DC and cabinethood.
Hugo Chavez(1954-2013), Venezuelan Godfather
Not officially an Obama underling but rather an inspirational role model for our own aspiring American Godfather.
Sandra Fluke
A Special One sent from Useful Idiot Central Casting, a fool pool whose number is exceeded only by the number of dollars in Obama’s red ink column. We were breathlessly waiting for her to weigh in on this.
Ramsey Clark, former LBJ Attorney General
One of the most Useful Idiots within babyboomer memory. There has been no leftwing, anti-American, wholly self-hating cause for which Johnson’s Attorney General has not been passionate.