11/6/18: Political pal of Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Keith Ellison and presumably any Democratic Party dignitary wanting to be associated with Black racists, Mr. F. …
Rachel Dolezal: Born too White
UPDATE 2/26/17: Self-described “trans-Black” fulltime professional Victim Dolezal is now broke, homeless and on food stamps because nobody tapped into the Black Grievance gravy train wants her. We’re told that …
Thomas Perez
And now, straight from the “the Hugo Chavez-wing of the Democrat Party…”
Penny Pritzker
of THE Chicago Pritzkers,
Commerce Secretary-In-Waiting
Yet another super-duper-rich Obama crony bound for DC and cabinethood.
SEIU(Service Employees International Union)
UPDATE 3/11/13: In case there is any doubt about this organization’s subversive sympathies and intentions, check out their gracious willingness to host a celebration …
Jesse Jackson, Sr.
Before Barack, there was Jesse. One of the great modern American shakedown kings. A early participant in Martin Luther King’s historic and ultimately noble crusade …
Full Michelle-Antoinette treatment coming soon. Thumbnail sketch in the meantime. UPDATE10/2/13: To follow ACORN, follow the money, and there’s gold in them thar’ ObamaCare hills. …
Saul Alinsky
UPDATE 1/24/18: In desperate reaction to unexpected Presidential Election results, Alinsky’s evil legacy provides the underpinnings of the entire “Resistance”. To be fair, equal credit is due to his fellow …
Louis Farrakhan
Full Michelle-Antoinette treatment coming soon. Thumbnail sketch in the meantime.