Ben (Cohen) & Jerry (Greenfield): expensive (but tasty) ice cream capitalists and daffy far Left Progressive plutocrats, most lately, purveyors of a proposed new line …
Richard Branson: A Gnome of Davos making Basic Universal Income for the masses fun!
Richard Branson is not stupid, so let’s just assume his idea of Universal Basic Income is just that he loves being just another egomaniacal Master …
The Sackler Family: more Leftwing philanthropy as absolution.
Meet the Sacklers. But you already know them. They are one more rich & influential entity (a pharmaceutical dynasty founded by three psychiatrist brothers) like …
Howard Schultz-
The original Latte Liberal
UPDATE 1/30/19: Speaking as a successful businessman and to his credit, Schultz punctures the Marxist dream balloons of Free-Stuff-For-Everyone (and resentment/envy/avarice) floating virtually all his …
Heather Bresch:
Clinton Crony Capitalist with the Queen Bee stinger
The happy, wholesome face of crony capitalism: Heather Bresch, exceedingly well-connected (daughter of Democratic U.S. Senator and generous Clinton Foundation donor Joseph Manchin) CEO of Big …
Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook tycoon, crony to tyrants,
politically correct squish
UPDATE 4/16/18: Millennial Mark, the tyke tycoon wunderkind of social media and global consciousness, appears confused when rhetorically quizzed about his spectacular success and power: …
I’m A Victim Too! (IAVT!)-Black Radical Chic division
I’m A Victim Too (IAVT)-Black Radical Chic division UPDATE 11/14/24: Whoopi Goldberg should be checked-in-on regularly as the dying canary in the toxic coalmine of …
Penny Pritzker
of THE Chicago Pritzkers,
Commerce Secretary-In-Waiting
Yet another super-duper-rich Obama crony bound for DC and cabinethood.
Armand Hammer, Soviet Crony Capitalist
The croniest of crony capitalists. The self-created protagonist of one of the strangest, most sinister stories in twentieth century politics and business.