In line with GB Shaw’s observation that a family is a tyranny ruled over by its weakest member, we are now compelled by law to …
David and Emma, young media Hoggs.
UPDATE 9/1/18: Squeaky David Hogg faces down Smith & Wesson. Awesome. Like Gary Cooper. “Full of himself” a meager description of The Geeky Gun Hater’s …
Chelsea “KAREN” Clinton: A curious snow flake with a gluten aversion
UPDATE 5/26/21: Hildebeast’s empty-headed offspring takes her place among the pantheon of WHITE, clueless, rich, entitled, bitchy, bossy Karens looking for Woke sanctuary by …
Louis Farrakhan
11/6/18: Political pal of Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Keith Ellison and presumably any Democratic Party dignitary wanting to be associated with Black racists, Mr. F. …
Marie Harf…as in Harfing or To Harf.
UPDATE 12/21/17: Marie has harfed up another great big green harf goober. Who says life is fair when the First Lady of Harfing continues to draw a salary from …
Sandra Fluke
A Special One sent from Useful Idiot Central Casting, a fool pool whose number is exceeded only by the number of dollars in Obama’s red ink column. We were breathlessly waiting for her to weigh in on this.
Famous Limo Libs
Maybe it’s been posted somewhere else here, but it’s such skin-crawly perfection. UPDATE 12/11/24: We are now privy to the mad ends to which prominent …
Pete Seeger
UPDATE 1/7/25: One needn’t be a Lefty to admire and enjoy the songs that came out of the heavily politicized, Left-leaning Folk Music Revival of …
Joan Baez
UPDATE 2/23/24: A recently released hagiography put out by folksinger/political activist Joan Baez lays bare an entire life and career image based on such …