UPDATE 3/27/19: Just another White-operated money-making scam using Blacks and their deliberately perpetuated victimhood as the come-on…currently $500 million’s worth. The grifting founder, Morris Dees, …
David and Emma, young media Hoggs.
UPDATE 9/1/18: Squeaky David Hogg faces down Smith & Wesson. Awesome. Like Gary Cooper. “Full of himself” a meager description of The Geeky Gun Hater’s …
James Comey:
Just another Clinton crony and DC insider on the take.
UPDATE 4/22/18: Take a “Leakin’ Lyin’ Nasty Giraffe, code-named ‘Slimeball’” and cross it with a sleazy weasel and waddya get? A pompous, mendacious ex-FBI director …
Loretta Lynch
UPDATE 11/4/16: Lynch now the scrutinized Lynchpin covering up and blocking investigation into the elaborate Clinton crime web involving Hillary’s illegal private server which was installed to hide …
Penny Pritzker
of THE Chicago Pritzkers,
Commerce Secretary-In-Waiting
Yet another super-duper-rich Obama crony bound for DC and cabinethood.
Bill Ayers-Bernadine Dohrn
“Kill all the rich people…Bring the revolution home. Kill your parents.”
Tony Rezco
Full Michelle-Antoinette treatment coming soon. Thumbnail sketch in the meantime. Another Chicago skeleton that keeps rattling. Obama pleads ignorance. He didn’t know nuttin’. Just another …
Jeremiah Wright
Full Michelle-Antoinette treatment coming soon. Thumbnail sketch in the meantime.