UPDATE 10/17/21: Unfortunately, the worst of the Sixties is not only still with us but actually guides present-day events. Ayers was into CRT and permanent civil war before these sociopolitical toxins were cool, and he is considered by many to have been the one from the start whispering into Obama’s ear who in turn now whispers into the ear device adjacent to Biden’s empty cranial cavity.
UPDATE 7/19/20: Bill and his 60s Weatherman plans to raze America now suddenly very Leading Edge in the mainstream Democrat Party. Hopefully, not for long, but definitely worrisome that it’s gotten this far again.
UPDATE 6/14/20: White, super-privileged, ahead of their times. The dynamic duo of violent 60s activism, undoubtedly celebrating the latest outbreak of anarchy and domestic terror post-George Floyd.
UPDATE 4/28/17: Wallowing in Orwellian irony, Bill Ayers’ “Refuse Fascism” joins forces with UC-Berkeley fascists to terrorize anyone to the Right of Stalin off the campus.
UPDATE 1/23/17: What’s a Hate-America happening like the Anti-Trump Mean Girl March without some violence? Calling old 60’s Weatherman and Obama pal Bill Ayers!
UPDATE 10/19/13: Still the focus Jack Cashill’s stubborn attention, Bill remains a star, albeit an evil one.
UPDATE 3/24/13: Among the many wages of sin for Bill Ayers is a taxpayer-funded honorarium due a notorious “celebrity” coupled with the respectable title of “Visiting Scholar.” Seemingly enough time has passed that the full horror of what this monster proposed for America doesn’t seem like such a big deal to the prostitutes of the Liberal medial.To a considerable extent, Bill can also boast with some credibility of effecting the most revolutionary coup in American political history: the creation of a mythical fantasy named Barack Obama.
“Kill all the rich people…Bring the revolution home. Kill your parents.” The warm words of a psychopath who has chosen political revolution rather than crime for crime’s sake. Upon such noble idealism, a lucrative career has been built.
For a hefty wheelbarrow full of capitalist dollars, Bill will speak at weddings, bar mitzvahs or your own communist cell neighborhood potluck. FYI: his agent is Evil Twin Booking Agency, “Entertainment for people who think and act.”
Aspiring fun-filled Commissar and Gulag architect, brightening your day and bringing a smile to your face, Entertainer of the Millennium.
Looking down on the world, two nasty Midwestern rich kids and unrepentant career criminals perch smugly atop the steps of their fashionable, expensive Chicago brownstone, flash a Victory sign, and collect tax dollars from the Justice Department that once prosecuted them. What a country!

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