The only male (presumably toxic) among that coven of lifetime Lefty lawyers given carte blanche to override the American Constitution: Federal Obamacare bail-out, imposition of gay …
Eric Holder, Attorney General: Legalizing Corruption
Remember when revolutionaries like Bill Ayres and the rest of the 60s gang decried “The System?” Remember when policemen were “pigs?” The law was something to be broken, on principle. Times have changed.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
UPDATE 9/27/20: Stomaching the feverish idolatry and worship accorded this flawed jurist and rather callous social activist in death is akin to the reaction all sane Westerners have customarily had to the …
Elena Kagan
Another Supreme Court Obamatron, like her black-robed sisters Sonia & Ruth, who believes the U.S. Constitution is defective and in need of a [radical, lifelong leftwing] Wise …
Sonia Sotomayor, Wise Latina
A pot-stirring Latina lawyer’s trail of tears heavily flavored with racial agitation, Puerto Rican-style, starting in the broken-down barrio of Princeton University, now tragically dead-ended on the United States Supreme Court. …