UPDATE 1/2/18: No surprise to find Hillary’s reliable butt boy seeking out and paying women to make fake assault accusations against Donald Trump. And in collusion with dedicated media whore Lisa Bloom! What else is a vain, pointless Clinton lapdog to do in his desperate, declining years?
Little David, Happy At Last. Maven of Media Matters, his very own Soros-subsidized smear machine targeting the Right . A perfect slippery bookend to the other prominent Clinton toadie George Stephanopoulos. Once Hillary’s nemesis, now her gratefully slavish lapdog, David(Look At My Hair) Brock has shown a talent for quite a number of things: pleasing the Clintons, repeatedly changing his spots for personal gain, pleasing the Clintons, staging hypocritical attacks on the NRA & gun owners while his own staff illegally packs heat, pleasing the Clintons, staging ankle-biting attacks on political enemies, pleasing the Clintons, raising money for any political scoundrel on the Left who’ll reward him, pleasing the Clintons, operating behind laughably named non-profits that front said fundraising very much like other slush funds that do little except enrich and please public servants and selfless philanthropists like the Clintons.
Other than living to please the Clintons and rationing the use of perfectly innocuous English words. (dog whistles and all that), David is noted for his Big Hair.
Great stuff, Fred. I cannot remember your ever rendering an opinion in here that I did not support 100%. Hope to see you soon. Art