Attacking her friends, celebrating her killers.
Attacking her friends, celebrating her killers. Only one of many fools.


UPDATE 5/2/24: The “naive young people” sporting Arafat fashion accessories and calling for Israel’s annihilation are the ultimate in Useful Idiocy, doing the bidding of those who would kill them in a trice. Attn: Gays For Palestine.   But like similar scenarios witnessed in the 60s, this is not a matter of just whining brats but the “adults” who, like all permissive parents, quake at the prospect of issuing a hard NO to the kiddies.

Watch out for stones when visiting Gaza and don’t go up on any roofs without a nice Hamas friend. 

ORIGINAL POST 5/21/15: Useful idiot, foolish idealist, expendable fodder, one in a long line of Westerners fascinated by the primitive, now quite useless (aka dead) due to casual dispatch by those murderous Islamic thugs she romanticized and actively supported. Her numbers are legion, one of millions of dutifully guilty, easily manipulated Islamic apologists. Kayla is just the latest Rachel Corrie, Nicholas Berg or James Foley, drawn to causes that  condemn her friends and celebrate her murderers. And still their parents blame anyone but her Islamic killers. Bush is always a good name to spit out. It’s all our fault. When will they ever learn?



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