UPDATE 1/4/25: The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Joe and Liz (and Dick!): all together at last!!! Leave it to DJT …
John McCain’s Legacy: Dem Darling in Death
UPDATE 9/5/20: Trump’s original diss of McCain’s wartime record is falsely expanded upon in a hit piece from The Atlantic to create the perception he considers all soldiers …
Lindsey Graham, unctuous RINO, Cruz hater
UPDATE 10/5/18: NEW, IMPROVED and totally admirable Lindsey Graham. Defender of Kavanaugh and all the whole uproar represents to our politics, entertaining zingermeister in front …
Republicans In Name Only…and others who aren’t what they say they are.
UPDATE 5/9/21: Liz Cheney is just a power-hungry pig. History will not be kind to those RINOS and faux conservatives who panicked and showed their …