USEFUL IDIOTS LIMO LIBS TYRANTS BIDEN UPDATE 4/22/22: The two leading strikes against the presence of Joe Biden in the position he illegitimately occupies is …
UPDATES 4/10-17/22
USEFUL IDIOTS LIMO LIBS TYRANTS BIDEN UPDATE 4/15/22: Restating the obvious: Hunter and his ill-gotten gains have been a financial mainstay of this humble, blue-collar …
UPDATES 4/3-10/22
USEFUL IDIOTS LIMO LIBS TYRANTS BIDEN UPDATE 4/9/22: A fitting name for our intrepid leader and his legacy: “Doomsday Joe.” If one thinks of BrandonWorld …
UPDATE 3/27-4/3/22
USEFUL IDIOTS LIMO LIBS TYRANTS BIDEN UPDATE 4/2/22: Biden’s shameless exploitation of family misery specifically in pursuit of the Presidency goes back to his nauseating …