UPDATE 6/26/20: The Woke drive to decimate our history is now in overdrive, unopposed anarchy at the moment. In service to transforming a free America into “Democratic Socialism” (Communism with a cozy-sounding name), they’re after the most important names and images in our history and cultural lives: Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, (Teddy) Roosevelt, even Jesus. Erased. Purged. Self-loathing and guilt (we are informed) are the proper virtues of Good People. In reality, they are the poisonous seeds of our own self-destruction. Jonestown and its liberating Kool-aid has nothing on us at the moment. Our only hope lies in an overwhelming Silent Majority speaking with Teddy’s Big Stick in November.

ORIGINAL POST 4/21/19: That’s a statue of Kate Smith, a beloved symbol of America at her greatest and proudest mid-twentieth century, the full-throated voice of Irving Berlin’s “God Bless America,” now chillingly enshrouded in a burqua, her voice stilled and her presence scheduled for erasure from history. Are we in Stalin’s Russia or Hitler’s Germany? Her crime is one new to our twisted times courtesy of Identity Politics and its penchant for criminalizing everyone and anyone for…something.
In the same sinister vein, a new production of Rodgers & Hammerstein’s “Oklahoma!” now stands proudly in chic theatrical circles as an expose of American bloodlust.
If they can turn “Oklahoma!” into a condemnation of America and literally banish Kate Smith from sight and sound, we’re all bound for Dachau.
The nation faces a dangerous combination: the Left gets further and further unhinged from reality; mainstream media, the universities and Hollywood actively proselytize for the movement; and the leadership of the Democratic Party desperately rallies its anxious base by demonizing any opposition to the movement. Meanwhile, otherwise responsible citizens continue to lavishly endow the indoctrination centers that elite universities have become and compete to send their children there. Truly as written: the best lack all conviction while the worst are filled with passionate intensity.