There is no “official” APA diagnostic category for rich & famous, addle-brained bad girls like Susan Sarandon. But her type runs rife. Sarandon’s specifically Socialist Movie Star psychosis is characterized by boundless hatred and any antisocial behavior that might endear her to the lowest, most destructive elements of society. This adventuress’ rapture for the wretched brings to mind Jane Fonda and her rueful regrets about not having enjoyed sexual congress with the psychopathic (and famous!) Che Guevara. Such cossetted creatures as Susan & Jane are nothing more than bored, pampered, overfed, overindulged children sans boundaries, sans restraints and the determination to blight everything and everyone around them…as the cameras keep clicking.

At least Mizz Suze is consistent in her alliances and actions. Scrupulously observing Radical Chic protocol, she routinely shows up to lend her star power to any public Leftwing rant like Code Pink or Occupy Wall Street. At one well-publicized anti-police demonstration staged by black militants, she even took the trouble to dress herself head-to-toe in angry (and clearly expensive) black leather! She’s concerned. She’s passionate. She cares. Right on!
Right in unsavory character is her appetizing Tweet congratulating some infantile Pop singer caught on camera licking & spitting on donuts displayed in a shop while cursing America. Quoth the mature, 68 year old Sarandon exhorting her 200,000+ Twitter followers: “Today, lick a doughnut in solidarity with @ArianaGrande. A sweet, talented, true American.” Perhaps it’s all that acid she dropped. Keeping right in step with the latest in social disintegration, she actually brags that her son wears dresses. Damn gender identity! It’s the person on the inside that matters, not the packaging, she sagely reminds us.
Susan Sarandon, an overcompensated multi-millionairess with expensive homes, expensive tastes, all sorts of sympathy for the little people as long they share her degraded, subversive sense of humanity (and she doesn’t have to live among them or be mistaken for them). Traditional, unpublicized people with genuine dignity would be of little interest to this publicity whore and weekend Revolutionary.