UPDATE 3/7/18: The ultimate in radical chic absurdity, the height of self-glorifying hypocrisy: Queen Bey and her chi-chi dressers make an expensive fashion statement tribute to the Black Panthers, the last word in what the well-dressed domestic terrorist wears these days.
UPDATE: 1/30/18: Former drug pusher, street thug, filthy rich rapper/”poet” of Black ghetto violence, philandering husband/father lectures the POTUS on being “hurtful” calling shithole countries “shitholes.” The President responds with good news of lowered Black unemployment which doesn’t seem to carry much importance. What’s a nasty ghetto rapper without the nasty living conditions that spawned and perpetuates his “art?”
UPDATE 10/1/17: Setting the stage a year or two back at the SuperBowl for other young Black millionaires to spit on cops and the country that has made them rich and famous. And nary a dime to the Inner Cities but fat checks to BLM. The Black community needs to make some better choices, starting with their heroes.
UPDATE 2/8/16: The Pop Princess steps up her Radical Chic creds by doing a Black Panther Thang at the Super Bowl with her hot-leathered, black-bereted chorines. Remember when the Black Panthers were just a bunch of street thugs & killers masquerading as political activists?
Reminiscent of BO’s proposed Civilian Army of aimless young Blacks programmed to march in formation, spew Their Beloved Leader’s propaganda…and go nowhere in their lives except perhaps to flipping burgers or, more likely, prison. Or their graves. These are the future Michael Browns and Freddy Grays, ready to report for duty as screaming, brick-throwing extras in the next staged Ferguson! or Baltimore!
The lawlessness of Black youth destroying themselves and their communities is of little concern to those comfortable with the narrative put forth by corrupt Black leadership and their agit-prop stooges like Black Lives Matter. Joining the howl, even subsidizing and legitimizing it from afar, are deep-pocketed radical chic fools like Beyoncé and Jay-Z. A Web search for the many businesses and real jobs created in Black communities by Beyoncé/Jay-Z’s “share-the-wealth” largesse yields…some Goodwill Industries “awareness building” materials in her concert tour goody bags! (Goodwill itself a bit questionable!) But fast bail cash for street criminals? You got it! In minutes!!
Happily ensconced in their wildly overindulged bubble of celebrity these “role models” (Barack & Michelle’s chosen one for their own daughters) don’t have to suffer the heinous consequences of any of it. Like you’ve heard, in show biz there’s no such thing as bad publicity.
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